Next season of Sherlock - back to the future?

I got goosebumps:

The photo is from the Christmas episode. There’s a video preview here.

The next Season/Series will be “modern” Sherlock. But I’m looking forward to Christmas…

“I’m hardly in the 'dog” one."


I know, I melted. And then someone on tumblr had cut Martin Freeman out of the picture, so even better.

Ah! British TV is so weird though. Like, we’ll make three seasons, with only three episodes. And then, we’ll put a random amount of time between the seasons. And then, we may or may not make a fourth season, but in the meantime, here is a Christmas special!

I made a desktop wallpaper version of the promo photo, if anybody wants it.

You’re just going to taunt yourself for the next 5.5 months, then?

It’ll pass by like that snap.

I actually made it for someone else.

I grabbed the image from a press release yesterday and had set it as my background, but the pixels were too coarse and I wasn’t techie enough to improve it.

I just replaced it with yours. Thanks, GuanoLad.

The music and the pan down to the hansom cabs on the street was reminiscent of the intro to the Granada Television series.

I would love to read The Case of the Dismembered Country Squire: “Caught the murderer, still looking for the legs. I think we’ll call it a draw.”

Yeah, they are definitely evoking the Jeremy Brett series with that intro.

I was unaware that this was coming. It will be interesting to see Sherlock’s take on the more traditional Holmes milieu.

Agreed on all counts!

Even more than the Granada series, Moffatt and Gatiss use Billy Wilder’s The Secret Life of Sherlock Holmes as source material for their version. Here’s someone’s Tumblrwhere she has found all the comparable scenes in the trailer.

If you haven’t seen The Secret Life of Sherlock Holmes, I recommend it.

That doesn’t seem especially compelling evidence. It’s just standard Sherlock Holmes stuff done across all versions.

Just watched the preview and loved it. Martin Freeman was a hoot - it was almost like he was “maneuvering” his body in a Victorian manner.

This is lovely. Thanks for putting it together! :slight_smile:

He was acting strangely when he wouldn’t let Billy take the hatbox. I wonder what was in it?

It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence, but the nature of the case from which they have just returned does… suggest possibilities.

::Sprawls languidly in armchair, reaches for shag::

Is anyone else annoyed that the modern Sherlock is all about the Moriarity-ish super villain special episodes and has forgotten about the mundane yet colorful murders that made up most of the ACD shorts?

Originally, we thought we were getting a Christmas special on December 25 and 3 new episodes(series 4) in January.

I was massively disappointed to learn series 4 is at least a year later.

Yes, I’d like to see more of those - and some of those intriguing cases that turn out not to involve any crime at all.