Next time, psycho match, try READING THE DAMN PROFILE!

I can relate. I have cat allergies, too, and it’s cut my potential dating pool in half.

Here, here, here, here and here.

Your gay aren’t you? :wink:

Sorry to disappoint, but no.

Fuji - I have trouble understanding your problem with those who would seek out someone who likes dogs. In another thread you said you wouldn’t date cat people. What is the difference?

Sorry that the woman was an illiterate (or lazy) bitch and flamed you.

But since you’re going to live in Cleveland and that’s not really that far from Pittsburgh, you wanna grab a coffee sometime?

(six likes road trips) :slight_smile:

Fruitbat - I have no problem with anyone who likes dogs or cats or armadillos or whatever. It seems you have misunderstood my position. My admittedly snarky post above (I broke the cardinal rule of not speaking or writing to anyone until I have had my first cup of coffee) was in response to the generalization that persons who don’t like animals are odd or weird. I took offence to that.

I personally am not an animal person, although I have worked with some dogs with very impressive abilities. I just wouldn’t want to own one. I’m not big on pet smells, noises, costs, etc., and I like the fact that I can spontanously leave town for a few weeks at a time without having to worry about arranging care for an animal. Also, I find something fundamentally unsettling about having something mobile in the house that I am not aware of its location and actions at all times. To me, keeping dogs or cats is like keeping a girlfriend who doesn’t pay rent, doesn’t help with daily chores, doesn’t clean up after herself, and expects to be fed regularly - you wouldn’t put up with that in a person, so why do it with an animal?

As for the comment about not dating cat people, that stems from a history of having dated women with cats - without exception, they were all devoted to these animals to the extent that more important priorities (IMO) were superceded. Having said that, I have nothing against cat people personally, I just wouldn’t choose to date one with the expectation of developing a mutually beneficial relationship.

Not being an animal person should not condemn me to being considered “strange”. That should be a result solely of my eccentricity…

I didn’t say people who don’t HAVE them, I said people who don’t LIKE them. As in those people who don’t think pets should belong to ANYONE. Those people who get all up up in arms that ANYONE has pets, and thinks that just weird/bad/icky beyond words etc (like psycho match seemed to).

Sorry for not clarifying it better. I certainly didn’t mean people who, for whatever personal reasons, choose not to have pets for themselves.

But, I didn’t do the best job of describing it. Sorry :frowning:


I honestly apologize for my heinous explanation. I did an AWFUL job of saying what I meant (that’s what I get for posting at 3am).

I do NOT mean people that for allergy reasons, or simply not having the time, resources or want to, do not have pets.

I was trying (with obvious lack of success :D) to describe a small faction of Mr. Rogers sweater clad, tea drinking fussy prissy old man at 30 set-in-their-ways-no-compromising types (those types DO seem to also be pet haters for some weird reason).

In my experience, people who hate pets, and don’t think that pets should be owned or kept by anyone, and who view pet owners as some sort of “dirty” barnyard dwelling weirdos. THAT’S the sort I was attempting to describe.

Hey CanvasShoes, I have a dog!

Are you close to Dallas??? :smiley: (soon to be displaced Alaskan with a WOEFUL ignorance of US Geography here). That’s where I’m moving, and I’ll soon be single (hehe).

Hmm… Dallas, Maryland … Dallas, Maryland… Well, compared with Alaska, yes!

Oh, come on lulBahrain! Compromise!

Tell him you’ll put the dogs outside three days a week if he stay outside the other four days. See how well that goes over.

E-mail linky linky. :slight_smile:


Well, I just got off the phone rehashing this with him for like the tenth time and we broke up. I asked him if he’d actually respect me if I just all of a sudden gave in and totally compromised my beliefs and values. And I know in the long run it’s good that I won’t be involved with him now. Still sucks though.:frowning:

awww, Lulu, sorry you broke up.

Go give those dogs a big kiss on the nose!

He wasn’t right for you.

Thanks. I told him that they were my responsibility and that I would not just throw something I was put in this world to protect out because he thought it was an inconvenience.

I’m not. I’ve never even met you, and I think he wasn’t good enough for you.

But I just don’t get the concept of outdoor dogs; why have one if you don’t hang out with it?

The PWDs pictures were great.

Good for you, luluBahrain!

It couldn’t have been easy to do that, but it couldn’t have been more right!

I don’t get the concept of outdoor dogs eitheir, I mean if you want something to protect your home get a burglar alarm. My animals are companions and give me so much I owe them at least a good home, etc.
Thanks everyone for the support. And, it wasn’t easy but at least it happened now after only 3 months.

First of all, elmwood, it doesn’t matter if your dogs smell like two tons of ass and your house contains enough dog hair to build a life-size statue of a woolly mammoth on your front lawn.

Well, OK. That would be kind of gross.

Although it’s often the state in which I live, with Skip’s and my array of furballs. Luckily he can’t smell a damn thing.

But my point is, you said you had dogs, and Psychomatch didn’t bother to read enough to pick that up.

Or perhaps she did, and the “test” of your compatibility in her eyes was whether or not you’d have the gall to actually mention them in an email. If not, she probably figured she could go all Evil Stepmother once she entered the picture, and ship them off to boarding school. :wink:

But it sounds to me like if it hadn’t been the dogs, it’d have been something else, eventually. Dammit, you have the nerve to wear wool socks in the winter? Your house probably smells like dead sheep!

There’s no pleasing that type.