I’ve done a few things, like give him poems I’ve written about him/for him. I’ve made him a mix CD. I just bought him a rose I’m going to give him tonight. (We’ve been dating a month.)
However, I want other creative things I can do for him. Big things, little things, doesn’t matter.
::My Tommy loves it when I cook him a nice dinner, light candles, turn on soft music and just spend time with him. We both have highly-stressful jobs, so it helps us both relax. Then, after dinner, we curl up on the couch, pop in a movie and, well, either one thing leads to another OR we end up falling asleep curled up together. Either way, it’s very nice…and relaxing…
Once he talked about a book he used to go to the library to read when he was little…I’ve been trying to buy that book for two years and it’s never been available. I’m still trying. One of these days he’s going to be very happily surprised.
I’m serious, listen to him with your whole heart all of the time. You’ll pick up on things that are dear to him (If its any sort of a relationship at all, you’ll know.) and support those things. My most recent happiness was a book, I had mentioned that my father and I loved a certian sci-fi series at some point in time. I forgot that I mentioned it until my SO surprised me with the newest of the series.
Other things I do: I write. I have “private” journal entries in livejournal that I have arrainged so that only he can see them. I drop him e-mails when I have bits of time, because I can. I jot notes about what I love/admire/miss about him when I’m at work and give them to him later. We curl up in bed and chat for hours.
Stuff he has done: picked me up from work when it was raining. Watched girlie movies with me. Read some of my favorite stuff to make me happy. (And then refers to it in convo.) And today, he is out tonight and I came home to an empty house…and found a note on my computer reminding me that he loves me. (My housemate let him in.)
But the most important is paying attention. Focusing on him and loving every bit of him.
Umm, Anticay, I didn’t know that poetry and flowers were strictly a “girl” thing. FYI, part of the reason he asked me out in the first place was because he admires my poetry. He saw/heard me read at some open mic nights and finally approached me. In fact, the first thing he ever said was, “You have an amazing gift for writing–you should submit to the literary magazine.”
So yeah, he appreciated the poetry. A LOT. Not to mention the flower…
I mean, I understand what you’re saying but you really don’t know what you’re talking about.