It sounds like he has a substance abuse problem. Drunks don’t typically need “$300 right now.”
Sounds like something a little more disorienting, and expensive.
I hate it when people take advantage of innocent folk whose only fault is having been sheltered.
I can’t imagine how upset and disillusioned your neighbor must be.
Thank heaven for people like you.
Wouldn’t it be something if the PPG works at the paper and gets an envelope with $1 in it and notes the return address and shows up at your house for more?
(I hate commas this morning for some reason)
So, he can’t do basic math, either. If she gave him a $1,300 down payment, it’s really only $1,200 she’s allegedly siffing him.
This is the part (well, one of many) that cracks me up here. Can you imagine? “Um, OK, I’ll rehire you, but only if you promise not to shit on my floor again.”
It might be a good idea for mods to remove the social links associated to the deceased’s threads, though. I can only imagine someone, with the new ICQ/AIM/whatever getting an ICQ <does anyone use it anymore? hehe) with a joking “Hey, gimme mah two dollar or I’m going to come collect, the hard way!”.