And T.V. Land is even worse.
It’s still too early for a truly brutal rant here, but I can’t take it anymore. This weekend has finally sent me over the edge.
What the Fuck has happened over there?
A while back, and I’m talking way back, I really enjoyed sitting down at the end of a night and watching some truly classic, funny shows. I admired ‘Nick’ for going outside the norm and re-airing what a true sitcom should be- Funny!
No more.
What was once a great line-up with the likes of ‘Mary Tyler Moore’, ‘Bob Newhart’, ‘Dick Van Dyke’, and others, has now been replaced by 'The Beverly Hillbilies, ‘The Facts of Life’, and ‘Green Acres’.
What the flying FUCK?
Granted, these new offerings are classics, but they’re about as funny as a migraine. And, I’d venture to say that these shows were never that funny to begin with.
Add to that their fucked scheduling that changes from day to day, and I’m about to yank the cable out of the back of my tube.
It’s like tuning into a mystery grab bag of shit T.V., one night at seven it’s the ‘Fact’s of Life’ and the next it’s, ‘The Jeffersons’.
Hello? Consistency? Even the evil networks don’t change schedules as fast as Nick At Nite does.
But the last few weeks has finally pushed me over the edge. Not only does their inconsistant scheduling leave Joe T.V. viewer guessing what will be on next, but they’ve now upted the ante by now playing days upon days of same program hour after fucking hour.
And it’s spreading. T.V. Land (Sister to Nick), which sucked to begin with, has decided to jerk the viewer around even more! A whole fucking weekend of ‘Sanford and Son’? What next? A week-long tribute to ‘Pettycoat Junction?’
I can’t handle it. Why are people insistant on taking a good thing and fucking it so sideways that it couldn’t resemble the original if it tried?
I actually feel better now. So, I now turn it over to the minions to add to the rant.