I can’t believe I just heard this on my local news, or maybe I should. :dubious:
When OJ kicks off, I predict that the news departments will interrupt network programming, the way NBC did with Whitney Houston’s death (for which they were roundly criticized) and air his funeral live from start to finish.
And now he claims that he doesn’t even think about her any more.
ETA: During the trial, I subscribed to a zine (remember those?) whose editor said she was involved in a local volunteer program teaching literacy classes at the local jail. She said that every black inmate with whom she had discussed this case (adding “and they call themselves black, not African American”) believed he was guilty. The one person who told me that they didn’t think he did it was a white man who thought his oldest son did it. I respectfully disagreed.
This was the same sentiment in my circle as well. Black people cheered the verdict, not because they thought he was innocent, but because a black man beat the system for a change.
Yeah, slicing up the mother of your children and an innocent bystander like sides of beef and getting away with it deserves a good [del]cheering[/del] ass-whipping.
When OJ Simpson dies, I will do a Naked Happy Dance.
Jason Simpson his son did it.
Drug lords did it (OJ’s idea)
Faye Resnick was the intended target
Ron Goldman was the intended target
Random Brentwood killing
The police did it, and framed OJ
It was the work of a racist killer who hated black-white couples
Nicole (or Ron) had a jealous stalker who say them together and went psycho
I remember driving to work the day the verdict was to be announced and seeing several police cars from precincts outside of central L.A. heading towards downtown, full of officers clad in riot gear. This was only a year or so after the Rodney King riots. The LAPD was preparing for a worst-case scenario if he had been found guilty…“and baby, they was open for business.”
I understand why people became so interested in the trial and it being a symbol of race relations (country wide) and policing in LA.
What I never understood is why many people seemed (and seem) so upset by her and Ron’s murder. Yea, murder is bad, I got it. But a lot of people get murdered.
Did Nicole Simpson cure cancer or something when I wasn’t paying attention?
Is there any particular reason why I should feel more sad for them than for any other of the tens of thousands of murder victims?
Poor Ron, drops by for a **booty call and walks into a knife. :eek:
They died so senselessly and the killer got away with it.
**if you aren’t familiar with the scene, house was dark and candles lit for a romantic interlude. OJ was extremely jealous of Nicole and wanted her back. A Primary motive for the prosecutor.
Personally, I never felt emotionally invested in the case, but I can see why someone else might. Anytime you have a lot of news coverage about a murder, it will cause people to feel like they “know” the victims in a way. It probably also does not hurt that the victims were relatively young and attractive. That their killings were extremely violent, that their families were outspoken about it, and that justice was never served also probably made people more sympathetic.
I have always believed that this was the rationale behind the verdict - that the LA riots were a little too fresh in everyone’s minds.
During the trial, Newsweek mentioned that the sequestered jurors had all media censored to remove references to OJ, and a letter writer asked where he could subscribe to this service.
On a more serious note, when I heard about the Oklahoma City bombing, my first thought was, “How long will this knock OJ off the top of the news?” The answer? Two days. :smack:
I had already moved to Japan so I only had AP articles in the Japan Times to go by, and no one to discuss it with. I missed that entire episode, as well as countless other news.