Ninety degrees and rising: The Last Straw

I live my life. Sure, i have my neuroses…but who doesn’t? I have found that the older i get, the easier it is for me to bear the little things; the things that make one snap. Me snap. You snap. (Tangent: towards the end of his life, my grandfather used to pipe up: ‘I scream, you scream, we all scream, scream, scream.’ whenever he heard the word icecream. This gets funnier if you imagine it in his heavily accented english. A Japanese accent. heh.) SO…where was i? oh yes, the last straw. Everyone has problems, and most of us have those problems compounded by our little idiosyncrasies. Well, mine is insomnia. Many is the night when i have kneeled, sobbing, by the edge of my bed/couch/whathave you, and appealed to the editor in a most endearing way, only to be denied the sweet succor of sleep once more. Eventually, gradualy, i have learnt the art of Getting On With It. So I cant sleep. I work around it most days.
but not this last month. Oh no. Most things have gone routinely, stupid shit, nothing major. except: Landlord didnt pay the powerbill, food rotted in the fridge, they had me paint all the cabinets at work in enamel based paint (almond. god i hate that colour), guest from out of town came in the day my power went out, lost my keys to my house, then to my car when i finally reached my landlord to get the spares to my house and was told to come drive by and pick them up…etc etc…the list goes on (as i am sure everyone reading this knows, in a very close, personal way.some way, anyway) I get the power back up, and i am ok. Except now i am planning, walking on eggshells, because my boyfriend is moving threethousand miles across this country to live with me, and meanwhile my power goes out again, my car breaks down, i lose the key to my studio…the shit has hit the fan my friends and through it all i am not sleeping, not well at least…even for an experienced soldier in the insomnia trenches. But its still ok! it really is! Cause it could be worse! right? and god said “Yes, yes it could, child…” and now:

the heat is rising, along with the humidity,
i could deal with everything, all of this! ive done it before! i just need some sort of rest…rest to me is lying all night in one spot…IM NOT ASKING FOR SLEEP THIS TIME GOD! I JUST WANT TO LIE IN ONE SPOT AND READ ALL NIGHT! PLEASE!?! so i am going apeshit, i cant read, and if i cant get my stories, my fix, somehow i am going to have a nervous breakdown. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. so here i am writing this for the masses of You’s, the cadre I’s (capital, because i am not a cap.) and i am asking for stories. tales. Tell me about your worst day, your worst haircut, the most embarrasing thing ever. anything you want! i am not picky, and i promise i will love all your stories,every one. I will keep them alive long after you are gone or pass them on… im babbling. heh


Crazy yet? :slight_smile:

Sorry, sorry. I just couldn’t resist. I sympathize with your plight. Growing up my bedroom was in the attic of an unairconditioned (nonairconditioned, air conditionerless?) house and wow, was it miserable. There was no heat up there either and sometimes in winter ice formed on the inside of the walls. But it made us hardy I guess.

I don’t tell stories very well. Hmmm…

Want to hear about my cute little nephew? He’s just 2 and sharp as a tack. Some months ago he began the dreaded potty training. He did pretty well but you know, accidents will happen. One day he made a little puddle in the living room floor. However instead of telling his parents he went and got his toy dog and put it next to the scene of the crime. When his dad noticed the anomaly, the little con man comes up to him, points at the mess and confidently states “Dog go!”. Is that too cute or what? I’ve got to remember the tale so I can embarass him with it when he’s a teen.

Preferably in front of his date. :smiley:

the heat wave has broken. I am not yet sane however. my house has yet to flush the humid grossness out of it. feels hotter, than, it, really is. cant. talk. worrying.

Bah, that was about the wussiest so-called “heat wave” 'round these parts for a long long time. It was, what, five days. Oooooooooh, five days, that’s sooooooo scary. As I recall it only got over 100 in Manhattan twice.

It was a pretty shitty heat wave, if you ask me.

shitty heatwave for you. who got sleep. and has airconditoning. and doesnt live in the middle of a forest so it is tiwce as humid in a house that doesnt have any screens on the goddamned windows (hmmm, eaten alive by mosquitos, or chance of slight breeze on breezeless day?). who doesnt work in a print shop amongst paper baths, lithowashers, and highpressure screen cleaning equipment…all of which only use hot water since the fucking cold water line doesn’t work. My car’s aircondionting is broken and my windows wont go down. There is no air in the shop either. I had nowhere to go to cool off. It was pretty fucking raw to me. i just moved to the east coast from california, and I FUCKING HATE IT!!! THIS IS THE GADDAMNED PIT AND I CAN WHINE ABOUT IT ALL I WANT! so i can be a decent human being in “real” life. So i dont snap. But it doesnt really matter, though i am still not sleeping, the heat is gone. . That makes it easier to bear.

Since when is it hot with only two digits in the temperature???

Try 95 degrees with 98 percent humidity! That’s a fuck of a lot more uncomfortable than 114 with 10 percent!

Goddamn whiny brats.

When I was a kid . . .



Aww, bullshit, andros. You were never a kid. Whose leg ya tryin’ pull here?

I beg to differ. I’ve lived in both. Give me 95 degrees with 98 percent humidity any day.

Well, I’ve lived in both too, and I’ll take the latter. At least I can breath in that low humidity setting. And jumping into a shower or pool is really cooling, because as soon and I get out, all the water on me evaporates in about 20 seconds.