nintendo really messed up this time

On Super Mario bros advance 4: super mario bros 3, its just plain retarded. theres a level in world 8 i cant beat. you cant jump, if u try to attack anything ur most likley to die,and stupid moles comin out of the ground throw wrenches at u. so far i think the only way to win is by using cheats.make 1 wrong move and ur toast.jump to soon,u go down and splat on the ground. Man i hate this. i pounded my chair, threw my guide book to the ground, but not before bitting it first. i feel like an idiot. 11 year old signing out. cya all. :mad:

Ah, the glory days of the platformer. More games should be like that.

Which stage was it? The tank one? The boat one? The flying one? Take your time with it.

It’s beatable. I whupped that game back when it was on the Nintendo.

If all else fails, save a P-wing for that stage.

I find it interesting to note that I think video games have become enormously easier since the days of NES. I have gone back to play some games that I did well on as a child and find myself immediately frustrated.

Too much time devoted to graphics, I guess, I don’t know. Super Mario Brothers 3 was awesome. My friend has a theory that gaming went downhill after the move to 3D, and I think anyone who has played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night could probably agree. Best 2D sidescroller ever made.

The only games, IMO, that have made the transition to 3D intact are the Zelda franchises and Metroid. I <3 Nintendo.

[Grumpy Old Man]Bah! Video games haven’t been the same since they made the switch to graphics, period. The only real gaming is text gaming! We didn’t need no fancy four bit graphics when I was a kid! Just a descriptive paragraph and a > prompt! All these fancy-shmancy graphics cards. In my day, our monitors could only display one color: green! And we liked it![/Grumpy Old Man]

You had text and a > prompt? :eek:

Musta been nice, we only had holes in punch-cards and had to interpret the data ourselves.Hell, we had to punch the hole ourselves with rocks!

Since numbers hadn’t really been invented yet either, we didn’t have a random-number generator so we just played rock and paper (scissors hadn’t been invented yet either).

You young punks with your fancy monochrome screens and text-based games.

Paper? You were lucky to have paper! Why in my day we only played ‘rock’. Tournements went on for days.

I have NEVER in my life cheated on a Mario game. Especially not this one. Really, it is beatable. I did it back when it first came out, and again when I got the rerelease. Being able to SAVE during SM3…sigh

I actually found the game largely easier than I remembered, except in spots. But it’s a great one. Well worth the money both times.

That’s the point- it’s supposed to be hard.

Zelda’s the only one that made it to 3D better than it was in 2D (Orcarina o Time is better than Link to the Past, hands down). Mario, Metroid and probably a few others (Final Fantasy maybe? I’ve never played a 3D one so I really can’t judge) had about the same level of quality.

Don’t you have to be 13 or older to post here?

You’re not a grumpy old man! Grumpy old men never use smilies! Fraud! Prevaricator! Spaniard!

You think that´s difficult, sonny?, ya don´t know what a difficult and deperating game is till you´ve played Jet Set Willy II on a ZX Spectrum.
I dare say that noone managed to end that game.

I’ve never cheated on a mario game either, but then, I didn’t even know there were cheats. Were these around on the old nintendo version?

SMB 3 was a cool game. I don’t remember ever anticipating a game as much as this one, and it didn’t dissapoint me at all.

Here’s a neat clip you can download of a guy who beat the game in under 11 minutes. While I doubt most of us will ever do it with this much style, at least you can see that it can be beat.

This time? That game’s almost 15 years old.

Seems like video games have been getting harder. I still have old NES games that I have never beaten, despite lots of trying (the centerpiece of this unbeaten-game collection is Who Framed Roger Rabbit?… I’ve played that game millions of times), but I can beat just about any new console game when I put my mind to it.

In the thread devoted to that clip (look in CS, I can’t be bothered to validate my claim :wink: ) it’s been found that that’s a fake.

How DOES one cheat in SMB3? I mean, there’s no codes. If you exploited some 1-up scheme, that’s not cheating. Or maybe you mean the E-reader cards to give yourself stuff? That’s cheating (from my “NES player” perspective).

I freaking LOVE both those games. That’s one thing Nintendo did right. :smiley:

Yeah, and according to his profile, he’s 40 years old. I’m wondering if one of his kids got a hold of his account?

11 y/o? My first thought was he was being self-deprecating. Maybe he was saying it sarcastically? (off-topic)

Almost forgot.

Miller and Fenris. You took me back to those huge cartridges I had to plug into the VIC-20. You know, the text based ones. My favorite was the one where you were in a castle and at some point had to use a dumb-waiter to get to another level of the building. (Off to check ebay for VIC-20’s) Does anyone know the name of that game?

Good times.

Eh, SMB3 is not that bad. I beat it first time out a few months ago after not playing for almost ten years. Hints: There’s two whistles in the first world. Get 'em both and warp to world 8. Try to get a P-Wing to fly over the more difficult side-scrolling airship levels. Also, there’s a level in World 8 where you’re on a ship that’s sailing along in a pool of lava…you can swim under that entire level.

Games certainly seem to have gotten easier over the years. They seem more and more like interactive movies than anything else now. I mean, I love playing games like Prince of Persia on the XBox, but that was a snap to finish. No challenging puzzles. No places to get stuck and throw your controller down in a fit of frustration. I feel a bit cheated that all it took was 12 hours to finish, and I’m hardly what you can call an avid gamer. A game you can finish in one day I don’t consider good value. But it was still enjoyable as a rental.