Not intended as a promotional moment, just looking for suggestions and or input from the teeming millions. Typos, tragic grammar, stuff like that. If anyone has any other suggestions that do not require major web coding I am open.
Site was made with a wix template at and has been linked to my godaddy domain, went live last night.
So other than the lack of a bio for my partner…do your worst.
The “World of Warcraft” tab is kind of random. I understand it’s a service you want to promote, but it seems a bit out of place where it is. Relocate under “Services” I suppose.
It’s a mess for me. Running Firefox 3.5.9 on Linux Mint. The video window is in the upper left corner, obscuring the orange title stuff.
This stuff: “Let PCSR send one of our technicians out to your business to provide fast skilled solutions to your business computer problems when you need things up and running now.”, this: “Most computers can be repaired for a fraction of what a new machine would cost”, and your address are all overlapping. Big white blank section under all that, until you get to the copyright.
Right out of the gate, before anything else on the page loaded…I admit that this is a personal bias and what you’ve done is something you see all the time, but an ampersand (&) really only has one function: if it’s part of a corporation or partnership name (e.g., Barnes & Noble; Dewey, Cheatem & Howe).
I realize it may be too late if you’ve already ordered your signage, business cards, etc. But there’s no reason for the “&” in the subheader.
The ampersand is NOT an all-purpose substitute for “and” in any context, and using it as such looks amateurish to me. Maybe it won’t to your target audience, and they won’t care, but why take a chance on that?
“Helping home and small business computer users with dependable cost effective onsite and in shop support since 2005.”
I would put a comma after “dependable” and hyphenate the compound adjectives “cost-effective” and “in-shop.” Same deal in your In-shop section below. Also, there’s really no such word as “onsite” – it’s on-site (another compound adjective).
In your list of counties…“Counties” should be capitalized, just as you’d do if you were only writing “Kings County.”
Below On-site Services…I would put a comma after “fast.”
Below Company News…I realize there isn’t agreement on this yet, so what you have is OK, but I personally thing “website” is more elegant than web site. We view these things by now as discrete units, I would think.
In the next entry, you have an extra space after “Valley,” but no space between “10” and “am.” I see this a lot nowadays, and I’m trying to figure out when it became OK to eschew the space in a time of day this way.
You have an extra space between “for” and “a” in your last line.
That’s it for the home page. I’ll let others chime in on this and interior pages, and I’ll come back for more unless you tell me to sod off, which I’ll totally understand!
It seems odd that it would look different on different browsers, as it uses Flash.
That said, why? I know it’s the tools you used, rather than something you intentionally did. But what company actually thinks converting the entire thing to Flash is a good idea?
There’s nothing in your page that requires Flash, with the exception of using it for backwards compatibility on the video.
Okay, I know you don’t want to recode, so I will point out what flaws I see if it were in HTML. Your text columns need more whitespace on top, and need to be even. You have way too much blank space at the bottom. Your navigation needs some sort of hover effect, since it’s essentially plain text otherwise. I’m not too crazy about the page transition–if you must have one, just keep the slide. And I would definitely avoid a constantly animated logo. Actually, for beginners, I’d say avoid animation completely.
In fact, there’s a general rule for beginning web design. If you haven’t seen it a bunch of times before, don’t do it. I know you want to make your page unique, but it’s got to be the same first.
I feel like I’m being a jerk here, but you did say to be brutal. Don’t get me wrong, there’s good in there. The actual idea is fine. The execution is what is off. Let me reiterate the points that absolutely need to be fixed:
[li]Layout–fix the first column to have the same whitespace above it as the others. Get rid of the whitespace between the bottom of the text and the bar above the copyright. Look into centering the coupon page horizontally and vertically.[/li]
[li]Animations–remove them. Use one frame from the animated logo, and hold it out. While there are transitions that can work, you’d be better off without them for now.[/li]
[*]Definitely look into getting it all in HTML. There’s no reason it can’t be. The actual data is in the file (i.e. all your text and pictures). Copy that into a real HTML editor. Free ones I know of include Amaya or KompoZer (formerly Nvu). Copy the layout you’ve already got with the fixes I’ve already mentioned.[/ul]
The layout works on my Firefox 3.6/Vista machine. Some notes (other than numerous spelling and punctuation errors on every page):
The gray writing on the Free Resources page and the World of Warcraft is very hard to read. Can you make it darker or black?
The title bar menu on all the pages - Home, About, Services, etc., could be a bit larger, too.
One space after a period nowadays. You’ve got it both ways all over.
Why is it “Map to Our shop” on the title bar? Make it “Map to Our Shop” or “Map To Our Shop” or “Map to our shop”.
You really need to rewrite this whole paragraph:
Overall, I like your site. It’s friendly enough that I’d feel comfortable using your services, and I get a real feel of honesty and trustworthiness. But there’s a huge amount of typos and punctuation errors which make it look like an amateurish company. Once those are taken care of, you’ll be all set.
In a nutshell, I am not a web guy, I dinked around with a bunch of the edit on the fly places like wix until I found one I liked… Its also nice because I can do whatever I need right from any PC. So I needed “site design for retards that can’t quite afford a real site yet”
I would have said to remove the WoW link, but it actually links to services that you offer regarding WoW. Maybe change World of Warcraft to World of Warcraft Services or something.
I like the way the tabs load. I have never seen that before. When I clicked on the URL I heard a very brief sound? I’m not sure what it was? All your links work and you cover all the bases. I didn’t notice any spelling errors but some others have so check into that. I would put a little more space between world of warcraft and the text underneath. It looks crowded.
Good job and I would definitely use your service if I was in need of a computer tech.
You’ve come to the right place. I’m glad you didn’t decide to beat me up after school.
The home page looks much better now! The one thing I missed the first time around is that your hours listing also has no spaces between the time and the “am” or “pm.” ABOUT PAGE
In your bio:
“…in some way shape or form” seems a little clichéd to me. You could do with just one of these nouns (I would go with “way”). If you want to keep all three, there should be a comma after “way.”
I agree that the first sentence of the second paragraph needs to be rewritten. In the next sentence, “time” should not be uppercase. World of Warcraft section:
As before with compound adjectives, “custom-built” should be hyphenated.
I’m not familiar with this at all, but it seems to me I’ve seen World of Warcraft abbreviated as “WoW,” and I think this would be better, as then there would be no confusion about you actually meaning the word “wow.”
I would put an em dash (long dash) after “all night” rather than a comma.
Again, “raid-ready” and “add-ons” should be hyphenated.
Finally, the leading in this section (space between lines of text) is tighter than in the other sections. Not a big deal, but you might want to change it for consistency.
I know it’s nitpicky but I don’t like the organization of the front page, particularly the three columns on the bottom with Company news, On-site Services and In Shop Repairs (and shouldn’t “In Shop” be changed to “In-shop”?). I think the columns should be equal length. And I’d put the copyright line on the bottom of each page, as an anchor.
On the services page, under laptop power jack repairs, you have this sentence, “Its a major project to get to them and delicate work with a soldering iron but we can make it happen.” I think that should be It’s.
And why does the map to the shop open in satellite view? It’s a really dense view of the town. I’d recommend opening in map view instead, and also adding simple written instructions. That way, the prospective customer can print out the page and get to the store easily.
Seriously I have FLASH disabled on my browser so I’d never see your site. In fact if it came up in Google (Google doesn’t spider FLASH as well as HTML), I’d skip over it.
Go To Dynamic Drive and look for templates to redo the site.
There’s nothing wrong with it really. The font is good. The coloring is OK, it’s mapped out OK to find things. It’s just a matter of style.
I really don’t care for all flash sites. It’s OK to use a bit of FLASH, but that’s just me
It’s unlikely that your site will ever rank well on Google if it’s done in Flash. Flash sites bug me as well. Flash is for things that need to be animated and games and stuff. Presenting text? Not a job for Flash.
The updated site looks OK now; all the display problems are gone.
Except, have you tried looking at it with JavaScript disabled? I don’t do this as much now that I use the YesScript Foxfire addon, but I used to keep JavaScript off, because so many sites abuse it. (Note: I had Javascript enabled for the earlier problems I had.)