My brother got a parking ticket in his car that is registered in my name. My license was suspened becasue he never told me about. This weekend i was pulled over in Willowbrook mall parting lot by municipal police. His reason for stoping me was that i had tinted plate cover (which i had) Upon this he cited me 3 tickets…
1.Unclear plates
2.Driving with a suspended license (but did not tow my car)
3.No seat belt
I spoke to my cousin who is a milburn twp police officer and he said the only tickets they are allowed to write on private property are…
1.Careless or Wreckless driving
2.I dont remember but didnt apply to me
3.Also do not remember but also didnt apply to me
So my question is basically, is this true and what are the chances of getting the tickets out, especially the driving with a suspended license.