No Anne Coulter Pit thread yet?... Chris Matthews, 6/26

Isn’t that precisely what Elizabeth Edwards tried to do? I don’t know why anyone would bother trying to say anything politely to a cunt like Ann Coulter, though. It isn’t like she’s put any thought or reason into anything she ever says, so thought and reason won’t hold any sway.

All she concerns herself with is braying the right sounds for the Sho-bots of the world to hear just what they need to hear. Watch the video of the exchange - she responds to no points or observations, but simply engages in mindless diversionary unrelated attacks.

I am pleased that the streak remains intact, however. There really is nothing that is stamped “conservative” that Sho-bot won’t defend. Of course, being a bot, it isn’t like he could change or show any capacity for thought. The button is pressed and he responds.

I watched it. Or, rather, I watched as much as I could without puking-- all the while thinking that I should start a pit thread in the AM. Looks like someone beat me to it.

Has she gotten waaaaaay worse over the years? I seem to remember her being more of a libertarian type when I first saw her about 10 years ago. Maybe it was just that she talked more about economic issues than about religious issues and foreign affairs. I used to be able to agree with a lot of what she would say, even if I didn’t like how she said it, but not anymore. My views haven’t changed appreciably, so I keep thinking hers must have.

Anyway… she was going on and on about how we had to bomb more countries into submission and how she knew for a fact that Saddam Hussein had all sorts of high level contacts with al Qaeda. CM didn’t challenge her nearly enough on those issues. He’s usually better than that, but sometimes it’s hard to get a word in edgewise when she’s yacking.

The phone call for Ms. Edwards (John’s wife) was what did me in. She (Coulter) was such a vile, rude cunt to Ms. Edwards that I wanted to reach into my TV and strangle her. Edwards did get a nice little applause from the audience, though, even though they seemed to be mainly Coulter supporters. I couldn’t watch anymore after that.

Alas. You are quite correct, of course. But hope springs eternal…

Yes, she has. I’ve read parts of what she’s read, and it seems that she just keeps getting more and more out there, more and more vile as time goes on. I mean, I think back to comments like “Clinton masturbates in the sink” and while it’s vile, it’s not really vicious, just bizarre.

Then came the whole “bomb their countries, kill their leaders” shit, and that took it to a new level. Of course, that could be explained by the desire for more ratings and recognition. I for one had never heard of her before that comment.

But with this shit, she’s gone off the map. I mean, ratings?? How could something like this possibly help her ratings. Everyone has heard of her now. You could go back in time to some cave in the middle of nowhere and be surrounded by Neanderthals. As soon as you mention “Ann Coulter”, they’re going to drop their clubs and spears and start pointing at their oversized Adams Apples.

We’ve all heard of her. The people who tune in to her are going to keep tuning into her no matter what she says.

My guess? She really is that crazy. We’re talking Phred Phelps crazy.

Actually people like you are the ones whose buttons Coulter is pushing. I would have thought to be obvious, but apparently not. She makes a handsome living getting on the nerves of the Left.

She might as well. People like Hentor react the same way to “reasonable and dispassionate” as to trolling, providing it comes from the Right. And trolling is easier.

Might as well poke him in the eye and make a few bucks off the howling.


Not attacking her dead son would be a good start, though.

:confused: This doesn’t make any sense at all. Ann Coulter has not made one dime from me. If she existed to push buttons like mine, she would not be around very long, or she would be saying things that might make me purchase her books or support those media outlets in which she appears.

This attempt of yours was very stupid, Sho-bot. Illogical and embarrassing. Best not to try to strike out on your own. Stick with the programmed non-responses.

By “People like Hentor”, do you mean everybody in the whole country who disagrees with you politically? Because otherwise, this argument makes no fucking sense.

Sure it does. Coulter’s stuff is masturbation material for anti-liberals like Shodan. She insults Edwards and his family, liberals get upset, he jacks off like a frenzied chimp.

That’s what this is all about, really. It’s not conservatism, it’s anti-liberalism, which isn’t about stumping for your own agenda but rather demonizing the opposition. How often do you see Coulter and Shodan actually talk about conservative policies and the like? Compare that to how often they make insubstantial nasty insults at people who identify as liberal or at least Democrat. Nothing pleases them more than seeing liberals get upset, and the reason for them being upset is absolutely irrelevant.

I agree. People are talking about how she’s gotten worse. Perhaps she started out wanting to be a serious political commentator and got jaded and selfish over time.
i.e. “it’s all a bunch of bullshit so I might as well get mine in anyway possible”

It’s unfortunate that her success reflects on what interests the public, although I love Colbert and Stewart. At least they admit to being caricatures for money. It’s too bad that so called news shows give her air time. Then again, Sean Hannity? He’s not far behind her.

Here’s why I predicted earlier that she’ll be pretty much washed up in two years’ time.

The political climate and stage on which she plays in the country pretty much allows, no, demands, this kind of discourse – rabid, rightwing and demonizing of anyone who disagrees with their ideas.

That climate for political discourse, and eventually the leadership, is now starting to change for the better.

I’m not saying it’s going to swing all the way back to the left, but I do think the stage where this kind of demogogic declamation gets an enthusiastic audience is slowly being dismantled.

Yeah, on the internet we call that “trolling”.


I don’t necessarily disagree with you on the timing, but I do differ on the rationale. I’m less optimistic.

I think she’ll be washed up not because there will be less of a market for her type of bullshit, but that people, even conservatives, eventually want something different. They’ll still want to hoot and holler because someone is speaking up in defense of them (the poor oppressed folks that they are). I remember that it used to be Morton Downey, Jr. ranting about pabulum pukers. He faded, and folks like Rush Limbaugh took his place.

Conservatives will still need people saying the things that nobody else will say (and really, don’t they all somehow voice the same unsaid things repeatedly, over and over…). It’ll just be someone else saying it.

Coulter had the advantage of putatively being a female saying these things. Even that isn’t singular or novel anymore.

I hope you’re right, however. I really do.

Don’t know about Coulter, but I do it all the time.

Indirectly, sure she has. You are helping to publicize her, which helps sell her books.

Which part didn’t you understand? Seriously.

Coulter makes money by attracting attention with her outrageous behavior. Hentor is helping her by giving her the attention she needs in order to sell her books and columns.

But you can attract an equal amount of attention (and thus sell books and columns) from Hentor and the other dolts by being outrageous, as by being reasonable. He has a “one size fits all” approach to political debate. He is, in other words, a knee-jerker.

It is easier to get his knee to jerk by being outrageous than by being thoughtful. Thoughtfulness takes thought, outrageousness takes much less.

So the cost-effective strategy in getting Hentor to jump is to, in essence, troll. So Coulter does. She could try for attention by being thoughtful, but that doesn’t appeal to Hentor and the rest of the Usual Suspects any more than trolling, so such a strategy takes more energy than it is worth.


Good thing we have you hear to explain these things. We thought she was a political creep, but turns out she’s simply a whore.

This still is completely incomprehensible garbage. Are you saying that tardcore conservatives like yourself buy her books because when you read them, you’re thinking of how liberals might react? Or do you buy them because you see people being outraged when she speaks, so you don’t care what is actually in the books themselves, but you spend your money on them because of how glorious you feel when you see people outraged at outrageous remarks?

None of your proposed theories linking outraged liberals to Coulters’ success seem to include the primary source of revenue being precisely idiots like yourself who actually like what Ann Coulter has to say. You’re an absolute moron, which is also not coincidentally why Ann Coulter has a career.

This combination of letters and words does not mean what you think it means . . . or maybe it does. :wink:

I’m not sure if that was a typo or intentional, but it sure was funny.

There will be a market for Ann Coulter as long as her fans get to giggle at the venomous stupidity in which they take vicarious satisfaction, as long as people on the left get their jollies pointing out “See what THEY’RE like?”, as long as politicians and their proxies can use her to score sympathy points, and as long as talking heads like Chris Mathews can stage meaningless catfights for ratings.

The Who might have been thinking of Ann when they sang,

Let’s forget you,
better still.

Semi-related to what you say above, I found it interesting that when Mrs Edwards asked her to “stop the personal attacks” all he (Coulter) could muster was “You want me to stop writing books?”

Says it all.