No Anne Coulter Pit thread yet?... Chris Matthews, 6/26

Well, those liberals are always on about free speech, but not when it comes to the brilliant and incisive opinions of conservatives!

EDIT: D’oh! I shoulda read one post above the one I was replying to.

I’m certain it is, to you.

Unlike Coulter, I also address myself to those with double-digit IQs, so I don’t wonder you find my posts hard going.

I don’t buy the books. But I borrowed two of them from the library, based primarily on the fact that she seems to drive the Loony Left absolutely bat shit. (Or, I should say, more bat shit.)

She has the occasional nugget, but she seems to be doing exactly what I have explained at some length (sorry about the multi-syllabic words) - simply writing to annoy.

So she seems to have relatively little to recommend her besides the fact that she drives the knee-jerkers into frenzy. And that is too easy to do to be especially interesting, most of the time.


Behold, the model Christian.

“How is it that thou can’st see the mote in thy brother’s eye, but not the pencil I jabbeth into yours?”

Jabbeth the slut?

By now, though, it’s got to the point where I think Coulter is actually a net positive for liberals. Her viciousness is starting to disgust not only liberals but moderates and conservatives as well. And some of that disgust slops over from Coulter herself to the causes and politicians she’s championing, while her victims get popular sympathy.

I don’t know whether Edwards will actually wind up with a spike in the polls from this incident, but I know that if I were a conservative candidate who cared at all about appealing to moderate or swing voters, I sure as hell wouldn’t want Coulter endorsing me.

So while I’m sure we would all prefer that Coulter would transform herself from a pottymouthed rabid pitbull into a sane and courteous conservative pundit, since that’s never going to happen, we might as well enjoy the silver lining. The attention she gets may make her richer, but I doubt it does any good any more to conservatives in general in the public perception.

As a consequence, I guess we all should be grateful to Shodan for altruistically helping prime the outrage-and-disgust pump. :wink: The more he enthuses about Coulter’s gratuitous and inflammatory attacks on liberals and the more attention he helps attract to them, the more he damages the anti-liberal cause.

Well, maybe, but come on - Edwards with his dead son and dying wife doesn’t need attacks from Coulter for the sympathy vote.

I don’t remember starting this thread, but at my age…


You really shouldn’t be whacking-off to an equine. But hey! I’m a liberal, so feel free to go for seconds. If you still can that is.

I brought charges, but the jury took her out for drinks, and bought her a pony. Go figure.

Quite true. You would think that if she had a brain in her head she would realize that, wouldn’t you? “Note to self: terminal cancer victim mourning dead firstborn son and married to opposition political candidate is unwise choice for subject of vicious personal attack.” Looks pretty blindingly obvious, but never seems to have crossed whatever Coulter’s using for a mind.

No, you didn’t start the thread, but we appreciate your generosity in turning it into an actual attention-attracting argument instead of a boring unanimous Coulter-bashing. :wink: [Edit: In fact, we even made it to the second page!]

I fail to see how this has any relevance to anything else in this thread.

It’s in the bible: Jabbeth not the slut *nor * her ass.

Remember, kids, one is only a Christian when acting appropriately!

Makes being a good one easy by default.


So what you’re saying, Shodan, is that Coulter’s commentary is so disgusting and shocking that liberals can’t stomach it but conservatives eat it up with glee? She’s not thoughtful and incisive because the liberals will still disagree (meddlesome fools) and it doesn’t make any middle-of-the-road people pay more attention to the conservative agenda, so she’s vile and nasty and plays to the worst parts of humanity to make a quick buck and get people on her side?

Funny. We’re saying the same thing. You just think that’s good, apparently.

ETA: I could be misinterpreting, Shodan. I’m not certain if you’re actually defending her or not and I don’t want to accuse you of that unreasonably :slight_smile:

A politician can always use more. It didn’t seem possible to get more pity/sympathy for Edwards, but Coulter managed to do it.

I wish I could agree with you, Kimstu, but I can’t. If she disgusts the conservatives, then why does she still get speaking engagements at colleges? And why does she get standing ovations at these speeches? And what is she doing on TV? And why are her books on the bestseller list?

Someone’s listening.

You’re making the usual mistake, which is to insert “all” into posts where it doesn’t appear.

I appreciate that. You may be the only person in this thread who doesn’t assume calling someone an anorectic skank is a ringing defense.

Go back and reread what I have said about Coulter’s motives, if you like.

Attention = good, as far as she is concerned. It sells books.


The only difference between Anne Coulter and Bill Maher is that one of them has a penis. I’m not sayin’ which one, though.

I think this may help to illustrate your point, Shodan, so that even Hector can’t quibble with it.

(Notice how the blurb mentions Coulter’s wisecrack about wishing Edwards dead but leaves out completely Coulter’s comments about Maher’s wisecrack regarding Cheney’s death that immediately preceded it. Media bias at work, folks!)