I was just tooling around on the net and found a site that said Alfred Hitchcock did not have a belly button.
I thought, “No, that can’t be!” But then I remembered something my father told me once.
He’s a Sunday School teacher for adults. One day he asked everyone in the class to tell something special about themselves. Everything was going smoothly until one woman raised her hand and said–right there in the holy house–that she didn’t have a belly button. My father kinda rolled his eyes and changed the subject fast. Of course she was lying! How could someone not have a belly button?
Is it possible that she was telling the truth? How about ole Hitchie?
My father has no belly button. He was born with one, but a surgical incision removed it. So it is possible the lady has telling the truth.
The usual rumour is that Hitchcock needed surgery to his stomach, and his belly button was lost during the operation. There is no reliable source for the rumour, its probably untrue.
Ask Adam & Eve.
I believe there is a poster here who does not have a belly button. She changed her name, though, and I don’t remember her new one. She was bean shadow.
Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
This question was once seriously debated by theologians. They arrived at the conclusion that Adam and Eve must have had belly buttons, even though they didn’t need any umbilicus, not having ever gestated or been born the usual way. When God created them, he added the belly buttons just as decoration. (Frankly, I haven’t the faintest idea what even prompted the theologians to come up with such an idea. Probably artists asking how they should depict Adam and Eve.)
So the presence of fossils of extinct Silurian, Devonian, etc. life-forms was explained by analogy with Adam & Eve’s belly buttons. Even though they were specially created, they had nonfunctional umbilical decorations added. Likewise, the earth was created in 4004 BC, but the fossils giving the appearance of the earth being much older were added… just as decoration. The creationist who argued this published it in a book titled Omphalos (which is Greek for belly button).
All of the cites I’ve checked claim that Hitchcock’s lack of a belly button was due to surgery.
or here
or my favorite
There is a Yahoo group called “No Belly Button” with 102 members - this according to the description is also due to surgery or abdominal defect. cite
So yes, not having a belly button is possible.
Two of my ex-girlfriends had no navels. They’d both had C-sections, which accounts for it.
All this leads us to the conclusion that Born-Again Christians have TWO belly buttons