A lot of people have and continue to compare Trump to Hitler, saying that fascism has come, etc. This is hyperbole at its worst, now that he is the POTUS elect. In a campaign, its more acceptable to make crazy comparisons (even tho I wish both the right and left would stop it), but now that he’ll be in office in 2 months and the transition has begun, lets go thru history of fascist/totalitarian societies, and why Trump is highly HIGHLY unlike to make us into one:
Germany had legitimate representative democracy for a grand total of 15 years before Hitler took power. Before 1918, Germany was a non-democratic monarchy in all its forms for 1000+ years. Basically, Weimar was bound to fail and its citizens, bureaucrats were unsteeped in democratic heritage. Before the Kaiser Empire, it was the Holy Roman Empire for a while too, and Charlemagne (he was actually German, not French) was no democrat and neither were his precedessors or successors. The Weimar Constitution could easily be suspended, as Hitler made happen.
France: went fascist after the German invasion, tho there was enough popular support and collaborationism in Vichy France to keep the Vichy-Nazi alliance going. There was also clearly enough support for fascism that it further facilitated the Holocaust. France had only had democracy for 70 years before Petain. France had also had a history of (near)absolute monarchs before democracy.
Italy: also a monarchy, the shortly a democracy, before a Mussolini state.
Spain: never democratic before Franco, and almost reverted to monarchy after Franco but for Juan Carlos II, likely prodded by NATO.
Russia: Aside from 9 years of Yeltsin, no history of democracy. Even during Yeltsin, still wasn’t much of a real democracy. Was run then, and still run by KGB/USSR vets.
I could go on.
Trump does sound like strongman-like, he’s going into a system with a 2 and a half century history of democracy, checks and balances, and a population that is steeped in it, and believes in it. Hitler strongly believed in the stuff he said and thought. Trump believes in nothing but Trump. There’s a lot of good comparisons debunking this hyperbole:
and those sources are not conservative. So please, people, stop acting like the sky has fallen!