No, I DON'T want you to translate that!

This might be too mild for a pitting, but I play around with studying languages. I’m no great linguist, I just enjoy learning about languages, it’s brain exercise.

As part of that I sometimes go to websites, especially news, in a language I’m studying. All well and good and one of the benefits of the modern internet.

Except now EVERY FREAKIN’ TIME I try to go to one of those web pages I get a pop up urging me to have it translated. Over and over. STOP IT!!! What, no one is allowed to use multiple languages? How dare I attempt my own translation! Here, don’t worry your feeble human brain with that, let our AI mangle the meaning for you! (Actually, machine translation is getting better)

It’s a trivial thing except it’s as annoying as hell.

Without knowing your OS, browser, and example sites there’s not much we can do but offer sympathy. FWIW, I have none of that pop-up experience when I visit various non-English websites using MS Edge on Win10.

I will suggest that perhaps you’ve enabled a “helpful” browser feature that isn’t so helpful. Which suggests there is a way to turn it back off, if only you can discover what it is.

Meantime, here’s sympathy. Like you I hate “helpful”; When I want help from a machine I will demand it. Until then, stay the ^&%&^%&^ out of my way you ignorant pile of silicon slag!

By @discobot, that “helping” shit oughta be illegal!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I’m sorry LSLGuy, I can’t do that.]

As a web developer who sometimes works on websites in other languages and tests them in various browsers and devices, I occasionally get this translation pop-up as well, so I can relate to the OP. I imagine there’s a way within the browser settings to turn the feature off, though It hasn’t yet been annoying enough for me to seek out how.

Alternatively, the OP could maybe get VPN software and set it to a country that speaks the language of the site they are visiting. I use the free version of a VPN called Proton, which is slower than their paid version, but still seems speedy enough for my occasional needs.

If you are using chrome, you can go to chrome://settings/languages and click off “Use Google Translate” (or specialize the setting to just the languages you want translated)

I can relate, I’ve seen that message often enough. I always clicked NO! (when I meant stop being so paternalistic!) and it became more and more seldom. Haven’t seen it for a while, hope this does not jinx it again.
Wonder whether I should have asked to translate everything into Hungarian, Finnish or some other impossible language.

@leahcim 2 posts up …

Thanks for that tip.

In MS Edge the special link edge://settings/languages has a similar set of options.

I use neither Chrome nor Edge and apparently for the browser I do use some genius recently decided to make it very difficult to disable. Apparently I’m not the only one complaining.

I almost exclusively use Edge. I’ve seen that message pop up but not often. I usually don’t visit non-English websites on purpose, but I have gone to them by accident and usually when I do I don’t get that popup. Weird.

Agree with this pitting. I have been trying, without success, to convince the programmers of the world that people can operate in more than one language at a time. I think there’s something about programming that really rewards binary thinking, so “English Y/N?” makes sense to them, and “If N then French Y/N?”, but what I really want is just give me the option to translate if I happen to want to, but otherwise leave me alone.

That makes me curious what browser you use. There are two popular ones left: Firefox and Safari (which comes with iOS and macOS). I haven’t noticed Firefox offering to translate anything.

I could see what you describe being an Apple thing, though. They love to add features and not let you turn them off.

I do not use anything Apple if I can avoid it (and I’ve largely been able to avoid it).

I use Firefox. Apparently there’s no easily accessible toggle for this, you have to get into advanced configuration to do it. If it’s not doing it for you perhaps you’re running a different version.