"No long Fourth of July weekend for YOU!"

I’m working the 3rd as well. A lot of my staff will be off. Matter of fact I’ll be the only person in my building. YAY!!! Knowing me, I’ll come in real early and take off around two. I’ll be surprised if the phone even rings that day.

Man, I hope I do. Double pay! Hooray for unskilled labour!

Oh, wait, 4th of July? Damn, wrong country.

Office are closed but classes take place here. I work in an office. The classes go on because they would have to be made up at the end of six weeks and everyone would rather just go on vacation in August and push through now, students included.

Same here, sort of. Our client is off the 3rd and 4th, but we’re required to be here on the 3rd. I am working the 3rd so my partner can have the day off. It will be so slow that I really won’t have more than a handful of issues to work. Then I’m taking the 5th off. So…two days off, one slow day on, two days off…I am confident I’m getting the better deal here.

I’ll be in on the 3rd. I think the way my company is run, I’m lucky to be getting the 4th off. :smiley: So I’ll have two days with my family in Maryland for the traditional Fourth and Summer Birthdays gathering, then one day on, then a day to lay around my house and do nothing. I kinda miss my old apartment, dump that it was–I could see the fireworks for three different towns from my balcony.

With Tuesday the holiday, and Friday my every-other-Friday off, I’ll be taking 3 days of vacation to have the whole week off. Yay! My husband would normally be working on the 3rd, but he took a personal day, so he has a long weekend.

We’re not planning anything special… maybe we’ll go to the beach! That would be nice and relaxing…

Sure, I take dolls, 'cause I’ve gotta get up at five o’clock in the morning and ‘Sparkle, Eve, sparkle!’ That psychiatrist says that I’m self destructive. So what? What do I do about it? Well, the hell with all of 'em. Even the bad publicity helps when you get to be as big as I am!”

I’m supposed to be working, but I’m going to take a vacation day. I think.

I’ll be working the 3rd. But hell, at this job I also work the day after Thanksgiving and every business day between XMas and New Years.

I could easily take the day after Thanksgiving off but the scenario usualluy runs like:
“Gee, honey, I would really like to go shopping with you and our three teenage daughters, but I have to work! Oh, the sacirifices I make for this family!” (Whew! She bought it!)

I’ll be in on the 3rd, although I don’t expect it to be busy. Maybe get to do one of my more time-consuming projects. Meh. I’m off the 4th. Paid! :slight_smile:

I just looked at the official calendar and only the 4th is marked as a holiday, so it looks like I will also be joining the ranks of the Thirdworkers!

I’m not sure whether to be jealous or give you my condolences!

You are so screwed if she ever discovers this message board.

Ive got work that whole week, monday through saturday. Heck, for that matter, they usually try and work us on sunday too. I am not surprised that I have to work the 4th, I was expecting it, but the only reason we are working is because I work for a company that… well… is evil and works us to the bone because they didnt hire enough people and half the college kids here don’t do jack and post bad things at work :wink: .

(only the second half applies to me, I swear!)

(Not that I feel to bad, they lied to me about the position and the hours anyways)

I’ve got a training course running that week, so I’ll be working both the 3rd and 4th. Memorial day, I was in the UK for a meeting, so I missed that. In fact, in the past two years the only holiday I’ve managed to get a sure day off has been Christmas, and last year was a near thing at that: I was on an intercontinental flight on Christmas eve (hey, at least I had some room to stretch out on the plane). Extra compensation, or vacation days for the holidays worked? It is to laugh.

Yet another reason I’m getting bloody fed up with the bloodsucking outfit I work for.

I’m working the 3rd and off the 4th. When a holiday falls on a Monday those of us working the weekend (we each work every third weekend) get off that Sunday, but if it doesn’t, tough titties. I shouldn’t complain, though, because both Easter and Memorial Day have fallen on my weekend this year.

Still complaining, though.

Work here. I feel like taking off, but I’m taking the 7th off already. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll just take both the 3rd and the 7th.

I’m off the 3rd, but only because it’s a “float” holiday and I worked on President’s day so I get to take this one off.

Hey, Eva Luna, do you work for the Federal Reserve Bank? If so, then we’re neighbors.

I’m off on the 3[sup]rd[/sup], but I’m working on the 4[sup]th[/sup].

Us Canadians is crazy…

Working on the third, off on the fourth.

Oh, I’ll be working on Monday the 3rd, all right. Other people may (or may not) be in my office, but I’ll be the only one working. See, Tuesdays are payroll processing days. With the holiday on Tuesday, I have to process on Monday morning. It’ll be a nightmare for me (I usually spend most of Monday tracking down all the asswipes who didn’t turn in their time sheets yet - this time, I’ll just have to pay them nothing, and then they’ll call Friday all pissy because they didn’t get paid, etc.).

I’m fairly confident the rest of the office will be dead - no phone calls, no interviews, etc. They’ll probably stand (or sit) around jawing while I’m busting my butt, and say helpful things to me like “don’t get stressed, it’s not worth it.” :rolleyes: They’ll probably even send everyone else home early.