No Need to Suffer Through the New Dukes of Hazzard Movie

Also, this site has a video format that plays on WMP.

Have you seen what her sister’s been up to?

You’ve just created the greatest car advertisement in the history of the world.

He is? Then why is he talking about his daughter like this?

Well, so far you can. When is that going to stop, I ask you?

I’ve already seen dueling clips from the Paris and Jessica car-washings on the last night circuit. Carl’s Jr. must be in heaven. This’ll give another six months of free publicity for their burgers.

There’s also some really interesting observation to made about body types, since Jessica is 5’3" and curvy and Paris is 5’8" and lean, yet they come across remarkably similarly in these videos, but maybe I’ll wait until they do The Simple Newlyweds together for a better comparison.

That video link doesn’t work for me, BTW.

Heh. Reminds me of the time that, as a public service, I posted several vidcaps from movies like “The Borrower” and “Suite 16” because they had pretty good bondage scenes in them, but the scenes were only 2 or 3 seconds long and the movies around them sucked big time. “This vidcap is the only thing worth looking at in the movie, and it only lasts 2 or 3 seconds. Now you owe me the 90 minutes you would have spent watching that piece of garbage for the sake of what is, in essence, a vidcap.”

Really, I don’t give myself enough props for saintliness.

Now if the new Charger only looked like the old. :frowning:

Saw her video the other morning. It opens with her driving up to the camera in the General Lee, opening the door and getting out.
Read that again, I’ll wait.
Clearly, the people responsible for this video never actually watched the show. :rolleyes:

I’d have to say that Cole and Brent hit this idea perfectly.

Wait…the movie car has doors that open?

[Galaxy Quest]
Did you guys ever WATCH the show?
[/Galaxy Quest]

Of course, they didn’t! They didn’t want their vision of DoH to be cluttered up by some crappy TV show. Come on, it worked great for the guy who directed ST: Nemesis! :rolleyes:

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I think that both Simpson sisters (the singers, not the cartoons) are butterfaces.


What’s a “butterface”?

Everything about her is hot, butterface.

I’d hit it.

I never said I wouldn’t, my friend. But Jessica’s overexposure from her reality show and her really syrupy, overproduced pop singing makes her a lot less attractive in my eyes.

If you watch the video it’s also a great advertisement for Bud. She’s a waitress walking through a rowdy bar, carrying a Bud ontop of a tray. She beats up some guys, and dances with backup dancers without knocking the beer over and somehow it’s always facing label out!

Perhaps I don’t know boobs as well as I think, but aren’t those Cs or maybe a generous D?

Pandering and…?

Pandering and…?

Pandering and…?

Oh c’mon meow, there’s no reason to be like that meow, can’t we all agree that the General’s the real meow star of the show?

Are you saying meow?