No one has anything to say for an MMP?

Pre-med, pre-law, same thing. Boone from Animal House

Glad your pooch is doing better yank. It’s scary when things don’t go right with our critters.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and dogparked.

I believe that some mornings, you need coffee to make coffee. This morning, I started to pour water from the kettle to the French press only to discover that I hadn’t put any coffee in it. Shoot, I hadn’t even ground any coffee. :headsmack:

Stay safe and healthy y’all!


I’m guessing FCD will shoot for a 3AM departure. He is so done, but he knows he’s the only one who can help. One bro is in Texas and is pretty much dying, the other is going to be another moving problem. So my poor sweetie needs a break. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to leave tonight.

I vacuumed the house ahead of the realtor. We managed to talk MIL out of major staging silliness. She wanted to change rugs around!?? Anyway, he’ll be here in about 40 mins.

I’m finding part of MIL’s communication issues with FIL is because she doesn’t listen or let him finish his thoughts, and he gets frustrated. But she won’t listen to us. She knows what’s what and no one else does.

No more whining from me… For now… It’s a sunshiny day, so there’s that.

I went to start making breakfast, and this giant house spider was hanging out in the kitchen sink. He’s a nice one! I took him out for his photo op, then released him into a bark pile.


My desire to ease into Saturday was greater than my interest in getting booster #3, so here I am still at home with ~45 minutes to kill until it’s time to go meet my friend for lunch at a Thai restaurant near her place. I haven’t had Thai food since November’s surgery: it’ll be hard to say no to the rice, but I’m looking forward to some panang chicken. :slight_smile: If we wrap up before 3pm I might try to hit the gov’t center on the way home (they close at 3:30), but I’m not gonna hurry anything and I won’t mind waiting another week or so. I do plan to go to the grocery store on the way back, and could look into their pharmacy’s Moderna availability/scheduling while I’m there.

It’s another gorgeous day here 12 miles west of the White House: sunny and 75°F, with low humidity. My windows have been open all morning, but I know it’s going to get into the low 80s later so I’ll close them and turn the a/c on before I head out. Still hopeful for some mid-day patio time tomorrow!

All of mine have been Pfizer, but my best friend’s infectious disease doc recommended switching them up for slightly broader protection. She’s immunocompromised so that’s probably more important for her than most folks, but it makes sense to me so I figure I’ll try for Moderna this time. If it starts becoming a real hassle, though, I won’t mind sticking with Pfizer. Getting #5 will soon become more important than who makes it.

As in this coming Tuesday (9/20)? Mine is Wednesday (9/21)! Early Happy Birthday to my almost-birthday-twin. :smiley:


And, yes, like you I do care.

Nice. :slight_smile:

I second your “yay”!

It’s not whining, it’s venting to people who care/don’t mind/welcome it!

Ugh. :roll_eyes: :rofl:

:flushed: I assume you let him keep the five bucks…?!

Yeah, me too. Nebraska is playing Oklahoma, with a coach the Cornhuskers have had for 6 days. Should be interesting. Go big red :football::corn:!!

I’ll listen to it on the radio since I don’t have a TV much less cable. Actually works out enjoyably for me. Shortly after I can watch any good replays on YouTube or online snippets.

No, that was just for scale. He didn’t need it anyway.

Yea, the MMP moves faster than the speed of light. Various happy birthday wishes, hopes for vaxxes, and large arachnid appreciations.

COVID vax #5 + flu vax going well. The worst of it has been a little swelling and soreness on the COVID side and a day of feeling tired and not-quite right with a minor headache, treatable with Advil. I should be up for doing some tasks this afternoon.

Conked out for a few hours, but then tossed and turned for much of the rest of the night/early morning.

Blah, and blurf!

I feel so sorry for those boys. Their former coach did so much damage to the program as well as the players and they are drastically overmatched

I got some spuds and cokes for MIL - good deed for the day is done. Oh, and I shredded the poke she’d been slo-cooking today. Go, me!

The realtor was a tad too enthusiastic for my taste, but he said houses are selling in 2-3 days in this community, especially the block houses. And he suggested listing this house for $275k, which is really good news. I really feel like this move will happen…:crossed_fingers:

MIL is making spud soup for supper. Nothing else to do for now.

I heaved. Then I helped the 100 sort table. Only then did I tackle the 200 slide. And there were some real puzzles to fix.


: waves at West Coast Fred :

Glad the pup is better today, Yank.

I gotta get mine.

You’re not whining, you’re kvetching. :wink: But you need to vent a bit after the last month. And the next month.

Fingers crossed for a good sale price!

I think it’s going to be a salmon filet and an ear of corn for dinner today. Gotta love the fresh corn in this part of the country.

One of them big honkin’ spiders ran out from under my daughter’s stove. I was mopping with Swiffer wet pads, and I find I do a better job of mopping if I supplement the Swiffer pads with an occasional squirt of Windex.

So, OF COURSE I squirted the Windex at Mr Spider, who immediately put himself in reverse gear and backed up underneath the stove.

Later on, Granddaughter #2 (COTU#2) came in to the kitchen in bare feet. I warned her, suggested she put some shoes on in the kitchen, because of the BHS under the stove.

Instead, she called her Daddy at work, and asked if he had a flamethrower?


(All my grandchildren are the Center Of The Universe, thus identified as COTU#1, COTU#2, and COTU#3)

(BHS=Big Honkin’ Spider)

Big doing at the paint palace. This morning I pressed the button on the garage door opener remote that lives on the kitchen windowsill, nothing. So I trek out to the garage and go in through the person door. It seems that the door went past the down limit switch and rammed itself into the floor. I had to undo the linkage from the door to the track, then had to go off to do an install at the high school. Now with time to look at things, I think it might be a kaput opener. The thingy that is supposed to move along the track is stuck. I guess I’ll take a handful of tools out there and see what’s what.

But the install went well and looks good.

Read much, retained little. As usual. Stay safe and happy, y’all!!

We did some autumn backyard cleanup today, mostly trimming, squirrel-hole blocking, weeding. Now watching Oregon v. BYU while eating buffalo mozzarela wrh garden basil and tomatoes.

I was being silly and stupid. Cougars want nothing to do with we humans, and I know this. But yes, was a bit disconcerting to spot one in broad daylight just steps from where I was about to be. They are powerful and impressive.

All absolutely correct, and I followed your wise, collective advice almost to the letter, substituting glasses of wine for the margaritas. :wink: I commenced mowage nice and early this morning. Well, until the mower blew a fuse. I replaced the fuse, but then the key switch decided it was a faaaaabulous time to crap out! Mower is currently doing a stint as yard art until I can coax an unsuspecting repair person over to fix it. It’s an old but mostly faithful thing and I don’t wish to part with it just yet.

Re the cougar(s), what’s odd is seeing them so often lately. I’ve lived here for nearly 2 decades and never saw one at all for the first 12 or so years I lived here. It was literally years in between sightings. Now I’m seeing them every couple of weeks. I just wonder what’s keeping them hanging around my place and feeling so comfortable.

Re your quote, MetalMouse, can’t live in this area and not know that one. :smiley: I think it’s the only film for which this area is popular, unless you count a couple about Steve Prefontaine.

Nettie, congrats on the computer migration! It’s such a PITA, but always nice when it’s done. Glad also to hear you are free of the heart monitor and progress is being made.

Nellie, I am so sorry the lens situation is not going well. I hope you can find a solution that works. Losing good sight is very disheartening.

shoe, I’m happy you’re enjoying life! Keep doing that!

swampie, wallow in your professional sloth and the fartfest (I know you will). Sounds like a perfect day!

FCM, good news that the in-law ordeal is nearly at an end, at least for awhile. You and FCD are both sorely in need of a break.

Taters, I hope you enjoyed the birthday celebration!

You crack me up. :smiley: I hope you eventually got your coffee!

VOW, spiders always do exactly what you don’t want them to, don’t they? I’m usually intent on rescuing them, and they always work at cross purposes. Silly things.

I capitulated to an Advil PM last night and was rewarded with a great night’s sleep! Wish I could have finished the mowing this a.m. Friends are coming for dinner tomorrow afternoon, so today I’m cleaning and cooking. These friends have many special dietary needs, so the menu is carefully planned. Roasted chicken thighs with lemon, oregano and potato wedges with fresh-sliced tomatoes, roasted green beans and corn on the cob. Peach and vanilla pastry cream parfaits for dessert, topped with chopped salted almonds.

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!


I’m planning on hanging in with them.