Relevent link: - Suit seeks ban on Oreo cookies
For the love of God…now someone is essentially claiming that people didn’t know that Oreos are unhealthy. I mean, well, shit the bed, Fred, I didn’t know that cookies that contained fatty frosting in the middle could be bad for you!
Cookies are not supposed to be good for you. Cookies are supposed to be a treat. If the second or third ingredient on the list contains the word “oil,” it’s a pretty safe bet it’s pretty high up on the food pyramid.
Dude, ít’s not as though Nabisco has secretly been putting cyanide and arsenic in their products. It’s FAT! And you’re buying junk food and/or margarine. You thought this stuff was good for you?
I mean, shit. I could tolerate the McDonald’s lawsuit because, while I felt that the people were full of shit, there was at least a marginal argument; in other words, there were socioeconomic issues there that I felt were worth exploring. This, however, is the pinnacle of ridiculousness. It’s as though we can’t hold people accountable for reading the nutritional labels on their food. And, also, we can’t expect them to use common sense–they shouldn’t have to know that cookies do not constitute a food group!
Christ. And the kicker is, it’s not that they just want to add warnings or anything–oh, no, see, the FDA is already going to do that, and the little attention whores wouldn’t feel justified just waiting for that. They want to fucking ban Oreos. Ban them! They want to ban the favorite cookie of probably millions of Americans for the consumer’s own good.
News flash, bucko: the consumer doesn’t care! The consumer knows that the cookies are unhealthy; the consumer buys them anyway. The consumer doesn’t need you to dictate what they can and cannot buy. You are not the food police.
(Yes, it’s my favorite store-bought cookie. I almost never get the chance to buy them. Hence, I am quite miffed that some jackass wants to ban them).