No Smoking In a Cigar Bar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Mayor Bloomberg’s (mayor of NYC) tough anti-smoking bill may be going a little too far.

I can understand the no smoking policy in restaurants, bars, indoor public spaces, hell, even public outdoor spaces, but CIGAR BARS???


I don’t smoke anymore, but that’s just crazy! IT’s A FUCKING CIGAR BAR!!! :rolleyes:

I dunno, is this a rant?

Bllomberg, you dumb shit sucky fuckwad asshat politician pice of crap. It’s MY fucking lung, MY fucking cancer, and if I want to smoke a fucking cigar in a fucking CIGAR BAR you should keep your gaping pie hole shut do something about taxes. How fucking stupid can you possibly be?

“When it comes to cigar bars . . . it would be great if you could find a way to do it. But we have to protect the workers. That’s what this legislation is all about,” Bloomberg added"

What??!?! I’ve got a way to do it. Fire all of the people who don’t smoke and hire some NORMAL fucking people to work there. DAMN you’re a dumb ass.
You’re welcome, Lola.

Oh great, now I’m really in the wrong forum.


There’s a rash of no-smoking-anywhere sentiment/lawmaking in my neck of the woods. Several cities have already begun enforcing No Smoking Anywhere - Including Bars - This Means You! Next up is fatty foods and Alcohol.
While watching the local news a week or so ago (DC Sniper Report) I noticed a sign in the background advertising cigarettes for $2.95/pack. Smokes are over $5.00/pack in Mass. I’ve been trying to quit, and may turn to Wellbutrin soon.

They’re over $7 a pack here!

It is already illegal to force feed strangers fatty foods and alcohol. Hopefully it will soon be equally illegal to force feed strangers tobacco smoke everywhere and not just in your neck of the woods.

Well what the hell do you do with a cigar in a cigar bar if not smoke it?

Lewinsky it???


Who’d ever imagine that someone would be able to “Lewinsky” anything??

Continuing hijack…

Every smoker I know here (Chicago) had the same reaction. My co-worker’S exact comment: “Looks like there’s been another shooting in --CIGARETTES ARE $2.95 THERE!!!”

Then stay out of cigar bars.


**Winston Smith ** I noticed the same thing, thats cheap.

Why would someone concerned about inhaling second hand smoke work in a cigar bar? Cigar bars should be excluded because they’re farking cigar bars.

Well, when your mayor only makes a dollar a year, I guess you really get what you pay for.

[sub]Yes, I know he made the choice to not get paid. I was trying to make a funny.[/sub]


While your nifty analogy might carry some force for the ordinary bar, airport lobby, or even hotel room… how does it translate to the OP’s mention of cigar bars?

  • Rick

We have a nice upscale Italian Chophouse down on I-drive here in Orlando. Part of the bar is a cigar bar.

If Amendment 6 passes, the cigar bar part will have to close, and the state will lose the tax revenue on about $50,000 worth of cigars.

Bricker, in defense of Degrance, he/she was not talking about the OP, but was explicitly referring to the complaint made by Winston Smith, as was made clear by their quote:

Since Winston Smith was specifically complaining about the laws in MA, not the laws in NYC, Degrance inferred, as do I, that Winston Smith objects to all such laws, not just the specific example of Bloomberg and the cigar bars.

FTR, I agree that the notion of applying these laws to cigar bars, as per the OP’s comments about Michael Bloomberg IS absurd. Anyone going into or applying for work at a cigar bar does so knowing that the entire purpose of the place revolves around smoking. I think Bloomberg is an ass for not realizing this.

But to compare second-hand smoke laws to banning the consumption of fatty foods or alcohol is disingenuous. The latter are examples of the notion of a “nanny state” run amok. On the other hand, second-hand smoke laws AS A RULE are not about protecting people from themselves – they’re about protecting people from detrimental health effects from smoking by others. You’re still free to smoke, just not around unwilling victims.

apologies… I meant to enclose all of that in [slight hijack][/slight hijack] tags

apologies… I meant to enclose all of that in [slight hijack][/slight hijack] tags

@#&%*!$ hamsters

Cigarettes are about 4.75-4.95 a pack in Pennsylvania.