No-touch male orgasm/ejaculation, how does it happen?

I think you are a bit over the top. Premature ejaculation is a sexual disorder that can lead to a lot of stress and frustration. While it can be overcome it is a not so uncommon condition for which people actually seek treatment. They seek treatment in order to better satisfy their partner, not because sex is just about “getting off.”

I have no dog in this fight. I am male and I am not pre-ejaculatory. But I do know people that have had to cope with it.


It happens to my partner all the time, while he’s pleasuring me. And it’s happened to me many times, even lately, though I no longer get erections. In our case it has nothing to do with premature ejaculation, in that an ejaculation is what it is, and cannot be “premature,” in the sense of diminishing our enjoyment. I suppose if we had a “vanilla” sex life the issue of prematurity would be relevant, but in our case it’s not. We don’t have a set sequence of events, like usually exist in a vanilla relationship, so when one of us has an orgasm, it simply diverts the activity into a different direction, and is not a problem.

OK, so you have overcome it. That’s what I am talking about. For others, particularly in the early stages of their relationship, it can be a source of resentment and frustration.

Reproduction doesn’t work so well, though, if no girl has sex with you twice. ;-D

Well, there’s really nothing to “overcome.” It’s just that in our sexual relationship orgasms don’t have the “finality” that they seem to have for other people. An orgasm may or may not happen, and the activity may or may not continue afterward. So there’s never a sense of it being “premature.”

the Human Glue Gun

I remember reading a history of pre-Castro Cuba. There was a chapter about the debauched nightlife in Havana, back when the Mafia was running things. One of the stage acts was a handsome guy who could sit naked on stage, alone, and without touching himself in any way, think erotic thoughts sufficiently exciting to make himself come.

Up with People it wasn’t.

I’ve also seen him referred to as the “yogurt cannon” which I think is also pretty apt.

Has anyone ever noticed how much he resembles Gen. Petraeus? Has anyone ever seen them in the same room together? Brave battle commander by day, porn superstar by night!


Up with Proto-People?

Yes, I do have an overly large brain.

I so wish I could nominate this exchange for the reply of the month.

My partner can do this, but probably* not in front of an audience.

*Who knows, he might.

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