Someone mentioned this “fact” to me and I am a bit skeptical. My first questions when presented with this info (which I had vaguely remebered hearing before - I think Clinton mentioned it at some point) were as follows:
A. What do you mean by democracy?
I think it is important to spend some time with the definition, because as I understand it, even the US is not a pure democracy. I’m not even sure that a true democracy has ever existed. Are we talking about countries with some elected officials being the only qualifier? Hell, are we talking about UN recognized countries or selp-proclaimed countries? What about non-country’s (such as Palestine) with elected officials?
B. What do you mean by war?
Do military actions count? Police actions? In the last 50 years there have been many violent conflicts which involved no official declaration of War. Does this then mean that some democracies may have taken some shots at each other, but full out war has never been declared?
I’m trying to do a google search but half the damn links I click are broken. Damn political science majors and their half-assed web site upkeep. As I find any useful links I’ll place em here, but I figured I’d go ahead and start the thread to see if it helps since the search is frustrating me.
If this feels more GDish, forgive me. I suspect that this particular fact may be up for debate, but posted it here in case I am wrong and there is a a factual answer. I am also interested in what conclusions we can safely draw if this is true. It seemed like the person discussing this with me was jumping to conclusions based on this “fact” that don’t neccesarily follow. This also may become a GD-ish area of discussion, so if this goes to far into such territory, Mods please feel free to move or close this thread and I will start another in the proper forum.
DaLovin’ Dj