No, we don't HAVE to see "Finding Fucking Nemo"!!

Yes, you told us you saw it, and it was a GREAT movie. We told you we’re not really into animated flicks.

“Oh, but you HAVE to see it!”

No, we don’t. One of you has a kid, and I’m sure you see a lot of these types of movies, and have developed a taste or sense for which ones aren’t quite as nauseating as others. But we don’t have a kid, so we just don’t go to see thoe types of movies. They’re not really our preference.

“Oh, but it’s not like that at all. It’s wonderful, you HAVE to go and see it! The colors are beautiful, and Scarlett, you’d like the computer effects, being into computers and all!” (getting a little whiny)

Um, no. Actually I hate those movies where the computer effects are so damn obvious (Jar-Jar Binks, Godzilla, Scooby-Doo . . . give me a break) and it’s all about the computer toys that somebody has instead of about plot or story or character development or the acting skills of a performer whose career we follow.

But tell you what. Maybe if it comes around on the movie channels or when it comes out on video, we’ll check it out sometime.

“Oh, no, you HAVE to see it on the big screen!! It just won’t be the same!” (now a LOT whiny, and annoyingly insistent)

Oh for Christ’s sake. Will you give it up and leave us alone already?? YOU love this movie. That’s GREAT for you. But (1) as we already told you about 20 fucking times, we AREN’T INTERESTED in seeing it. Our interest level is at ZERO percent. We DON’T GET INTO animated flicks, no matter how clever they are. It’s just NOT OUR THING. Your repeatedly telling us how great YOU think it is WON’T change our minds. (2) We also told you that we’ve lost our taste for the moviegoing experience because of all the assholes bringing their cell phones, conversations, and children to the theater. SO we only go when it’s a movie we BOTH REALLY want to see on the big screen. And (3) as you are well aware, time AND money are tight for us right now. Our entertainment options are limited, and we don’t go out a lot. When we do, we sure as hell aren’t going to blow the bucks to go to a movie that WE DON’T WANT TO SEE just to make you happy. We’re going to do what we want to do.

I’m sure there are things we love to do that would annoy the crap out of you. For example, our dogs are pretty rambunctious, and one of our favorite things is to wrestle and play with them, and let them scramble and slobber all over us. We LOVE it! We think it’s GREAT!! But do we insist that you do it too when you come over? No – we keep them outside when you visit because we know you’re not dog people and WOULDN’T ENJOY IT.

So lay off already!! We’re NOT going to see “Finding Nemo.” Not even if we won a limo ride to the theater, free tickets and popcorn, and a night at the Waldorf afterward with champagne and chocolates. You’re just going to have to live with the bitter disappointment.

sigh The irony is that one of these people just went through a nasty divorce from a very controlling person. You’d think she’d catch on. I really don’t want to get rude with these friends, but if they keep it up, we’re not going to have much choice. Our only hope is that it’ll be out of the theaters by the time we see them again, and the question will be moot.

What???!! You haven’t seen it yet? You simply must!!

Finding Nemo, the must see film of the year.

Then they’ll bring their copy of the DVD or VHS version over to your house and INSIST on sharing it with you! :smiley: :eek:

Oh, come on! You absolutely have to go see it! It’s just so cute!

Actually, “Finding Fucking Nemo” is the porn version—you might enjoy that!

Don’t you mean, “Fucking Found Nemo”?

Bite me, all of you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lord Ashtar: Not so much into the cute. Can you show me something in a bitter and cynical?

Bitter and cynical?

Hmmm…I nominate American Beauty. That just left me wanting to slash my wrists in despair.

you’re not invited to see it anymore,

We at the Finding Nemo encouragement society no longer feel that you’re “finding nemo material”

you’re not allowed to go see it. We forbid you.

you wouldn’t “get” the real meaning of the movie anyway.

You’re just saving your time and money to go see “Gigli,” aren’t you? Fess up, now.

I HATED that fucking movie. Clearly you are strong enough to resist all insistences and not cave to this woman’s brow-beating, but let me just assure you, you WILL HATE this movie – do NOT go see it.

[sub][sup]On the other hand, I’m not sure even I, who loathed this piece of crap with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns, could resist the temptation to sit through it again if it came with a limo ride to the theater, free tickets and popcorn, and a night at the Waldorf afterward with champagne and chocolates. I mean, that’s some serious not-wanting-to-go to turn a night like that down![/sup][/sub]

I don’t understand the whole adversion to animated films. Animated is not just for kids.

I don’t know what other computer animation you have seen but the 100% films like Toy Story 1 and 2, Monster’s Inc. and Finding Nemo are advancing the technology. Each one pretty much showcases the new big thing they figured out. Toy Story has skeletal movement, Monster’s Inc. has fur and Finding Nemo has water. Once I get into the story I usually forget it is animated anyway.

But maybe you just don’t like the happy funny movies and want more of Drowning Mona or Heathers.

Sure can. It’s called “life”.

Lots of bitter cynical stuff available there. Ugly stuff too, some boring and mundane stuff, and as an added benefit, lotsa frustration and annoyance.

No charge either.

Please. Gigli? Excuse me while I barf. Those two’s fifteen minutes should be up any time now . . .

Shayna: Eh. You get what you pay for. When I had co-workers, they used to be amazed that I wasn’t going to the company Christmas party: “Why not? It’s a free meal!!” No it’s not. If I have to spend an evening hanging around with you people to get it, it ain’t free. And tepid overcooked catering food isn’t my idea of a “deal” at any price.

Besides, Mr. S has a rule that I’ve found handy: If other people are begging you to partake of something because THEY think YOU should (be it a book, a movie, or a blind date), you’re gonna hate it.

We are well aware of pop culture, and follow those facets of it that interest us, quite intensely. So it’s not that, like Mikey, we hate everything; we just like to pick our own diversions, same as everyone else. I might add that we are also actively resisting the whole Harry Potter* movement. Not Interested! Don’t Care! Leave Us Alone!

*Mr. S actually read several chapters of the latest HP book, whatever the hell it’s called, while we were staying with friends last month. His review? “Eh.”

On preview: It’s not even about animated films anymore. We just don’t like being incessantly hassled about it. These friends seem to think they’re being cute by hammering on us about this, but they’re getting annoying. It would be different if they said, “Oh, we saw this movie and we really liked it,” and left it at that, but just because THEY liked it doesn’t mean WE have to. And they’re not picking up on our not-so-subtle hints that we’re not interested in seeing it, and could we change the subject?

And the “bitter and cynical” comment was tongue-in-cheek. We like our comedies and goofball stuff, and stuff like the Muppets where kids like it but there’s humor that goes over their heads for the adults to enjoy. But yes, computer animation just doesn’t jazz us in and of itself. So bragging up that aspect of it isn’t sweetening the pot.

Scarlett, I hear ya and I’m with you all the way. However, wrt “the cost of free stuff”, I have to disagree that comparing the supposed benefit of free overcooked catering food for the price of having to endure endless, mindless social chitchat (which I also loathe doing!) with free champagne, chocolate, a limo, popcorn and the Waldorf for the price of enduring Finding Crapmo is kindof not even in the same ballpark. I’m certainly not saying that because that’s a price I’d be willing to pay, that you should be, too. I’m just saying it doesn’t compare to a crapass company Christmas party.

But yeah, the woman needs to learn that a polite, yet firm NO THANK YOU should be sufficient to shut her mouth about it. I have dealt with people just like her and it’s hard to resist the urge to simply reach out and smack them!

Don’t see Finding Nemo if you don’t want to, as long as you know that you are missing out on one of the best movies from this summer.

Kids, schmids – I’d see it alone again in a heartbeat if I had the time…

Though I can’t see hating all animated movies because they’re animated (but if you meant that animation just wasn’t an asset, then I see that). . .

God, I HATE that. My aunt is always doing the same kind of thing. “You have to read this book! It’s a crappy, predictable, 40s-era book geared towards the totally lame teen! It’s so good! You HAVE to read it!” And then it’s crap. The thing is, I LIKE crappy, predictable 40s-era books geared towards the totally lame teen, it’s just that she seems to have horrible taste in them. I like it when they’re so bad and unnatural it’s hilarious, whereas she seems to read them as actual, legitimate entertainment. My aunt also has this obnoxious cackle that she uses during all the totally-unfunny parts of books, movies, and plays. She has the lamest sense of humor of anyone I know. I mean, c’mon, the line was supposed to be funny, but it wasn’t. That’s the sort of thing she will cackle about and then find it hilarious and tell other people about it and say she should put it on a tshirt and think it’s some sort of inside joke. She’s way outside the realm of sanity.

But anyway. I also agree with you about Harry Potter. I tried. I thought, “Hey, everyone else seems to think it rocks, and it got my barely-literate 11-year-old brother to sit down and read a nearly-1000-page book on four occasions. It must be good for something.” But it wasn’t. The best I could say for it was “crappy ripoff of Roald Dahl and L. Frank Baum without the fun old-man whimsy.”

Anyone who expects you to spend $20 for a night out at a movie you insist you will not like is not worth your time, IMO.

Sorry :slight_smile: that wasn’t supposed to “sound” so mean-like.

I was really agreeing with you, I get the same thing, only people are always trying to push the dark “meaningful” angst filled movies on me.

I HATE them. To me, it’s just like I put in my post. There’s ENOUGH dark, “meaningful” angst filled crap going on in real life. I prefer my entertainment lighthearted.

Otherwise I agree with the gist of your post, don’t PUSH your taste on someone else as a “HAVE to”.

I absolutely loved animated flicks (I have no kids, but own all the Pixar films) and Drowning Mona is one of my favorite movies, too.

I think what she’s saying, simply, is that she has no interested in seeing Finding Nemo. That should be good enough for you and for her friends.

I feel the same way about chick-flicks, if I may use that term. Sweet Jesus, I’d rather slit my wrists and jump in a vat of alcohol then see “Maid in Manhattan” or any of that predictable Ya Ya bullshit crap, but my chick-flick-arific friends are always giving me the “YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!” business.

One of these times I’ll take them up on it and make them sorry. I"m very good at MST3King movies.

(Finding Nemo was really good, by the way. I saw it twice!)