I’ve got this little program sitting on my taskbar right now. I also use it at home. It’s called Weatherbug. It tells me what the local weather conditions are, and it’s especially useful to me since there’s a weather sensor about three blocks away from my house. It’s a “free” program, which I pay for by ignoring the popup ad that it gives me everytime I try to get information other than just the temperature.
Lately, though, Weatherbug wants me to “upgrade”. It’s gotten pretty insistent about it. This latest salvo popped up a window, with only an “OK” button for the upgrade. Luckily there was still a tiny little “x” that I was able to close the window with.
So, here we go. AHEM
Weatherbug- no, I ain’t gonna fuckin’ “upgrade”. The last time I followed your advice, you installed Gator on my computer. Gator, fercryinoutloud! Look- I already deal with your popups- I’m NOT going to give you further access to my computer. Just deal with it, okay? Keep annoying me, and I’ll purge your ass from my system altogether- as useful as you are, you AIN’T all that.
Hmm. Okay. That was kinda lame. I plead that it’s just too damn hot to get really worked up about it.
I used to have this little “free” program but replaced it with a similar app from my local TV news station.
I still get e-mail almost everyday from “Stephanie-WeatherBug product manager” extolling the virtues of their new and upgraded software.
Persistent little bastards they are.
I just uninstalled the damned thing today. It’s starting to throw pop-ups at me when I’m booting up in the morning, causing Windows to throw a major hissy fit. The last thing I need is to get on my work computer in the morning and have it freeze on me because WeatherBug wants to advertise.
I’ll just have to suck it up and open IE to check out The Weather Channel when I’m desperate to know the temperature in Beautiful Downtown Newark.
I’m starting to believe very strongly in the motto that you get what you pay for.
I pay http://www.weatherunderground.com/ five bux a year–chickenscratch!–to get my weather with no ads, no popups, no if-this-is-flashing-you-win, no punch the monkey, nothing but weather.
It’s worth every cent. (Though they do not offer the little weather-station-on-your-taskbar thingie that you like, as far as I know.)