No weiners, says Boston priest

The Church has spoken: no ballpark franks on opening day at Fenway because it falls on Good Friday.

All well and good, no skin off my ass either way, but does this really need to be turned into a Sox vs Christians thing?

I’m sure that was uppermost in the schedulers’ minds, how to dick the Catholics.

Well, that’s all right, so long as they are mindful that there shall be NO HOT DOG BUNS served on May 31[sup]st[/sup], since that day is sacred to the memory of Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca.

Thing is, though, I’d guess Boston has a Catholic population greater than some other cities. And, since the teams make lots of money on concessions, they might want to take that into account.

Good Friday is different from other Lenten Fridays. I can see why the church turned down the request for a dispensation.

Boston has a sizable Catholic population, but a very small park.

Let the Protestants see the opening game this year.

Is there enough meat in those hot-dogs to matter?

This goes along with a longstanding complaint among many Christians. Planners of major public events seldom look at a church calendar before charging ahead with their plans.

Christians certainly don’t want veto power over events, but a little consideration certainly would be nice. And a check would save the planners major headaches as well.

A couple of years back, the Washington, DC marathon was planned for Palm Sunday. The closure of streets for the runners would have actually kept worshippers away from their churches. The start time of the marathon had to be adjusted and the churches had to adjust their schedules as well. It was a nightmare for everybody involved.

What’s this? A Catholic priest who’s not interested in eating weiners?!

(Somebody had to say it . . .)

First they stop all us good Catholics from participating in promiscuous sex because we can’t use birth control and now this. Come on, Rev. Coyne! Didn’t Sox fans serve their Good Friday suffering last October?

That’s a bit different from a baseball game. If these people actually respected their own religion, they could go to the fucking baseball game and have a veggie dog. It wouldn’t kill them.

So this isn’t really an issue with Catholics. It’s an issue with Catholic baseball fans who are unable to abstain from eating meat for a four hour game and want to bitch the sports team out about it.

Sure, Boston has a large Catholic population, but give me a fucking break!

Oh, please. Get over yourselves. How many religious and social calendars are they supposed to consult? Hell, pick a social group of about 20 and try to find a day where they can all get together at once with no prior commitments or plans. Sheesh. All a planner can do is pick a date and give notice. If you can’t make it, fine. Whining about having to get to church early or late is pathetic.

Palm Sunday is observed by nearly all Christians, best as I know. Every church in town was packed.

Asking people to go early can be a tremendous hardship, especially when you’re dealing with elderly worshippers, people who depend on public transportation, or people who have to work that day. All of which apply in a working class, overwhelmingly black city like Washington.

Likewise, if the marathon falls on Yom Kippur, you can keep the marathon route away from Jewish houses of worship. It’s easier to do this, since there are fewer of them.

Just using a little common sense and working with the congregations in your neighborhood could save the city massive headaches. That’s all I’m saying.

The point about Catholics bellyaching about not being able to eat hot dogs on Good Friday is well taken.

In this age of commuter train bombings and the rape of 3 year old girls, when Christlike mercy and compassion are in such short supply, it’s nice to see Christians focusing on the things in life that really matter.

I don’t get what the deal is here.
from the aritcle

The Bishop is not saying that NOBODY can eat these things, just CATHOLICS.

It goes on to say that many CATHOLICS have been seeking a dispensation from the church to allow them to do it, so they are just giveing out a blanket ‘Nope’ to CATHOLICS.
They are not telling the Park to not sell the items. They are not telling the general population of Boston to not eat the items.

In other words the Bishop is telling his flock that they must obey the rules of their religon.

If history is correct, I think the last time there was a problem with a Christian in an arena, they let a lion in. Seriously though, how about if the stadium changed it’s f***ing menu for one day to cater to it’s customers? Either that or let the fans bring in food (yea, right). Why should the church change? The stadium is the one making money off of this.

Even our tiny, no-account “stadium” (Go Pelicans!!) sells stuff like nachos and plain pizza. Certainly there are other options besides meat products for people whose religion forbids it.

Could we please start a new rule? Howzabout RTFLink before commenting on it? Please?

It’s true that the OP’s phrasing was a lot less than clear. But still. All the article discusses is special dispensation for Catholics who want to eat meat on a Friday in Lent. (Cafeteria Catholicism if ever I’ve seen it…) And the Cardinal said no.

Of course, if they confess their sins of hopeless loserdom and come to New York, they’ll have the option of salmon hotdogs at F&B…[d&r]

Being a Catholic (in name only), I am surprised that at this stage, any statement issued by a Catholic Church authority carries any weight whatsoever. Given the sex abuse scandal and even worse the cover-up of these acts, the “sin” of eating meat on Good Friday pales in comparison.

Well I’d actually go the Archdiocese one further and say that practicing Catholics maybe ought not to go to the game at all on Good Friday. :eek:

Geseundheit! (I can’t spell when you’re sneezing.) Are you okay? If so, I’ll mark my calendar. I’m gonna cover all bases. And you won’t catch me eating any ospreys, either.

I think (for once) the church made the right decision. I’m sure Fenway has cheese pizza and plenty of other non-meat goodies. As a vegetarian, I’ve been to several baseball games and didn’t starve. BTW, Catholics in other cities (NYC, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles) aren’t asking for a dispensation. The posts made it look like the Archdiocese was telling Fenway not to sell meat at all, which would be unfair to non-Catholics, obviously.

Err…I meant “the Church” :o (no disrespect intended)