NOT that tonight’s episode really warrants one.
Gods, what a crap fest. An hour of intelligent, insightful and impassioned characters, each with their own particular brand and type of brilliance, storming around yelling at each other because they’ve been doing a job well for five years and suddenly have their heads so far up their individual behinds that they can’t see daylight and don’t remember what their jobs ARE?
I swear I didn’t recognize a single character tonight. Will opting for future political glory while sacrificing everything he’s worked for his whole life? CJ coming off as a total neophyte? Leo turning into a senior adviser even the Prince would have beheaded. Bartlett roaring about like Richard III? Amy not having any idea the scope of her duties and suddenly becoming aware / having to be informed of the way her position is supposed to work? Josh being taken aback by a style profile and not knowing how to handle being in the news, when he’s had legions of fans for years and even a few fan websites directed at him? Toby just generally stumbling about and whining with no real purpose? We’re used to Toby whining, but it’s always ABOUT something.
I was expecting a bit of a drop after Sorkin got popped, but come the hell on, people. He’s not the only person in Hollywood who can craft a story or write engaging dialogue. Tonight’s episode ran like something created as a parody by people who can’t stand the show. It was painful to watch. The closest thing to a West Wing level/style exchange was the intern hitting on CJ, and that lasted all of 11 seconds.
This show is going downhill faster than Jean Claude Kielly. I don’t care how much they have to pay him, I don’t care if they have to walk on their lips through a city block of broken glass in the midst of a wild fire to appease his wounded pride, NBC NEEDS to hire back Aaron Sorkin and get him to save what was once the best show on television and is quickly becoming the worst. I’ve never seen shark jumpage of this magnitude, and it’s depressing.
There is no intelligence, no interplay, no dynamic, no tension, no dialogue and no FEELING in the show since the changeover. Even if the show had not started out as great as it was, what it has become, as evidenced by tonight’s episode, is awful on its own merits.
I don’t care that Sorkin was late with his scripts. At least they didn’t suck, and the show always went on. That should count for something.
I’m giving the show through this batch of new episodes. If it hasn’t gotten worlds better before the first rerun hits, I’m cutting my losses. I once looked forward to West Wing as one of only three consistently good hours on television. I’ve started to approach it now with a sense of trepidation. It may be able to be pulled out, but I’m not giving odds better than even money at this point.