Nominations for "Most Hideous Disease"? (WARNING, TMI, gross-out, etc)

Generally I can look at all these pics of maladies with no problem. Until I came across the pics of Harlequin Foetus.

The first pic on the page is embedded in my brain now. I swear its going to give me nightmares.

Can you imagine those poor parents, looking forward to seeing their baby, and being faced with that? You wouldn’t even want to take a picture so you could remember the child you lost. Let alone the poor baby.

I’m unable to look at any of the other pics now. I think I will just go and give my kids a hug, and cuddle my little healthy baby.

Um, didn’t someone once get in trouble here for posting the Harlequin fetus? I thought that was a hoax?

Okay, this is officially the sickest thread I have ever seen. That being said:

Convulsions. Not any specific disease, not any actual diagnosed problem, just convulsions. Cholera, seizuring, brain cancer, doesn’t matter. Convulsions scare the shit out of me.

As far as a real illness goes, I think the worst is: **bubonic plague. **Late, late, late stages. White lips, pale/green skin, convulsions, throwing up, freezing, fevers, hacking up lungs, among other equally horrifying symptoms, and (finally) rigor mortis when you are dead and your emaciated body is all shriveled up and white and your mouth is frozen open and…

<stops typing, enough, enough, hits submit! go go go>


Possibly. Those pictures looked doctored to me… but whether they were or not is beside the point. They were SICKENING.

<shudder, icky icky icky icky>

I’ve seen it in a medical dictionary before, that’s why I personally never followed any of the posted links to Harlequin babies. Seeing a Harlequin baby once is enough to make me physically ill. You just can’t help but feel sorry for the child and its parents.

Harlequin fetus did come up recently, but there’s no indication of anyone having gotten in trouble (at least, not publicly).

Yes, I should have heeded the warning not to check the links.

I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing such a thing as Harlequin Fetus existed.

I read somewhere that the “serpent on a staff” or cadulus (sp?) is based on this method of dealing with this parasite.

The strangest, most grotesque parasite I have ever heard of is one which infests fish - the parasite eats the fishes tounge, and then actually replaces said tounge!

Check out this beauty:

Everything posted in this thread is horribly disgusting!! I was just going to mention the Flesh Eating Virus but all the diseases mentioned here makes that look like a minor rash!

OOOO I think im losing my lunch … hope I dont see any evidence of nematodes or whatever…