non camp gay celebrity

Already provided one, the Cruise case.

The suit wasn’t filed because Slater allegedly claimed Cruise was an adulterer. The suit was filed because Slater allegedly claimed that Cruise is homosexual. Yes, the complaint mentioned the idea of the alleged affair taking place while Cruise was married but the point of contention was that the alleged affair was a homosexual one. Do you honestly think that had a female porn star claimed she’d had an affair with Cruise he’d have sued her for $100,000,000?

BTW, it wasn’t settled out of court. Cruise won a default judgment when Slater failed to appear.

Gay, out, and not camp: Rupert Everett

I’m wondering if this is still accurate.

From what I know, this is based on a Texas Court decision from the 1960’s (upheld on appeals) that said an “accusation” of homosexuality implied that the person committed the unnameable & detestable crime of sodomy. But since the Supreme Court has now overturned all sodomy laws, does this still apply?

Might be an interesting court case now.

I know for a fact that Kevin Spacey is gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Then the court did not judge the case on the merits of its issues, did it? You wrote,

You know this for a fact, do you. Presumably from personal experience?

Please explain here, in detail. I’m sure this will be an ‘exciting’ story for many of us to hear. Be sure to mark it ‘adults only’.

P.S. Are any pictures available?

I didn’t have a clue about Raymond Burr until I saw his Biograpy on A&E a few month’s ago.

Perry Mason? Gay?! Sheesh!

(And I’m even a born and raised New Westminster girl! Local boy and all…)

Alan Cumming (of X-Men 2, among other things…) is openly “pansexual” and is far from camp. Do we count bi/pan/metro/pomosexuals? Are there even solidified stereotypes yet?

what an odd thread.

Yeah, seems a bit queer to me. :slight_smile:

You’re joking, right? In interviews, he’s as camp as they come.

The current Elton John is as gay as it gets, as out as it gets, and no longer camp.

When Slipster says “Lloyd” Garrison, of course, he isn’t referring to the abolitionist leader of the 19th century, but to Jim Garrison, the New Orleans DA and judge.

Gobear said,

I wouldn’t call her “closeted”. She doesn’t deny she’s gay…she just doesn’t feel the need to discuss her sexuality publicly (these days, that makes her a real rebel). That’s my take on it, anyway.

By the way, I never figure lesbians as “campy” in the slightest. There just doesn’t seem to be a universal stereotype. SOME lesbians are butch, but that isn’t the only portrayal they receive. I reserve the “campy” description for males only.

What the hell is a “pansexual?”
Ah, so Foster IS a lesbian.

As I understand it, pansexual is an acknowledgment that many people no longer construct gender as a binary, rendering bisexuality an archaic usage. If bisexual means attracted to both men and women, pansexual could be attracted to men, women, people who don’t identify as a gender, people who identify as multiple genders, etc.

No joke was intended when I construed him as non-camp, but then again the only thing I’ve really seen him as himself in is that AMC (or possibly TCM) “Painting With Light” short, in which he struck me as a bit shy and reserved. My experience with the Cumming out-of-character oeuvre is very limited. :slight_smile: