Let’s get my position straight right off the bat: I’ve been an atheist all of my life, with some interest (and occasional grudging respect) for religion as a social / historical / cultural influence, but as far as I know myself, I’m probably just not cut out for the spiritual world-view.
I think I’m posting this because yesterday I watched Collision, which is a registration of a series of debates between Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson on the question of the merit of religion (and I recommend the film to anyone, religious or not, because - even if it’s a few hours too short to really do justice to the questions involved - it sets up a bunch of very interesting points and both sides of the argument are represented by intelligent, thoughtful people who can also be very entertaining).
My question has to do with what appears to be one of Wilson’s main arguments (and I’m heavily paraphrasing and contracting so I won’t use quotation marks): how do you justify a moral framework if it’s not based on a set of God-given injunctions?
The obvious objection in a debate would be “why would a God-given injunction be moral”. But really, that’s avoiding the question from both sides (and I think that Hitchens and Wilson have given more or less that - Hitchens claims that the Christian God is a capricious character with no moral authority and Wilson claims that whatever God declaims is good). What I’m interested in is more or less: given that we are social creatures, with all of the societal pressures that that involves, is morality any more than a convenience?
To put it another way, Hitchens puts forward a scenario where you see a pregnant woman being stricken and kicked while she’s lying down in the street. Now I would think that most of us would at least be repulsed, if not compelled to do something about it. I know I would.
My question is: has any good argument - at all - been made against this scenario that does not involve a supernatural law-giver or our evolutionary mind-set as a social animal?
I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the right forum [there’s at least 3 to choose from], so mods feel free to move this thread.