Not a-Fucking-gain

So, I drag myself out of bed, grab a bowl of store-brand Cheerios and curl up with the computer for my morning dose of SDMB, and what do I find? Yet another person spewing hate in the name of the Lord (in this thread, and I don’t mean Soup).

WTF? I mean, come on, what ever happened to “love thy neighbor as thyself?” Or how about the whole beams and motes thing? Or just MYOFB?

Oh, and I really love the “you have the right to marry a woman/man same as anyone else” and “the race comparison doesn’t work.” Give me a motherloving break, here. The issue isn’t the gender of the persons getting married. I mean, I’m hardly going to roll over tomorrow and select a random guy off the street so I can get married. The whole idea of marriage is that you’re vowing that you love the person to whom you’re binding yourself, and that you’re telling the world that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Gender should have nothing to do with that! AARGH!

Fine. Race comparison as presented by Some User doesn’t work for you? How about this one. You’re a Japanese(-American) man. You’re in love with an African(-American) woman. However, there are laws in place that say you must marry someone of your own ethnic background - that all other marriages will not be respected by the government (and WTF does the government have to do with marriages anyway, can I just ask that?). Does that analogy work for you?

(And, of course as I’m composing this nice little rant, the SDMB goes down and gives me something else to be frustrated by.)

Look - I don’t have any right to tell you what to do in your bedroom, or with the person you love. I similarly have no right to make any judgements about Esprix’ choices, or andygirl’s, or the choices of anyone on this board. Neither have you (the generic you) the right to make those judgements. And if 'Sprix wakes up tomorrow madly in love with a guy who makes him happy and they decide they want to get married, they should have that right. It is not a special right to marry the person whom you love. It is an EQUAL right.

Oh, and kmudd20001? You can take your comparison of homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia and shove them where the sun don’t shine. I’m sorry they’re the same in your mind. What a narrow little world you must live in.

Would a Mod be kind enough to delete the duplicate post?


Ah, it’s so refreshing when straight folk get it. :wink:

Thanks, dogs.


I don’t understand many things…

Shouldn’t it be obvious that bisexuality is the way to go?!?

Good dog!

What can I say that you haven’t already said better and more succinctly? If any form of marriage is a human right, then gay marriage must be, too. And “domestic partnership” is no substitute for the real thing. At my job, there are now domestic partnership benefits, (which, sadly, did not exist when my beloved wife was dying of AIDS without benefit of health insurance), but they require proof of cohabitation and commingling of funds for at least a year. By the time we had cohabited for a year, my beloved was already well on her way to death. And if we had "commingled’ our funds for a year, she probably would not have qualified for Medicaid, which was the only game in town. Catch-22, anyone? Oh, and that “random guy off the street” that you mentioned? If I were to find him and marry him, or if I were to marry one of my gay male friends, I could get him on my health plan right away with no questions asked, whether or not we ever cohabitated, commingled funds, or engaged in good old heterosexual missionary position sex.

Bitter? Me? What makes you say that?

Rather than going off on a tangent on your thread, I probably should go back and post the above in the original thread which sparked your rant, but I haven’t had the heart to read it in it’s entirety, knowing full well what I would find if I did.

Thanks again for being a good person with a heart and a mind.

dogsbody, a link please?

Even at the most pragmatic-why does anyone even CARE if someone is in love with someone of the same sex? Who are they hurting? If that’s the worst thing anyone could ever do, perhaps the world would be a better place, would you not agree?

I have argued for years that marriage is a legal contract between two individuals. Denying the benefits–and detriments–of such a contract to people based on gender and sexual persuasion is every bit as repulsive to me as is discrimination based on race or religion.

I wish I could beat some of my more homophobic friends–and state legislators nationwide–over their heads with the Giant Intumescent Priapus of Cluefulness.

Now that the rock-bangers are back in the driver’s seat, I suppose we can kiss that idea goodbye for awhile, but mark my words: this will change, and soon. There are too many lawyers out there to hold it back for much longer.

I’ve actually done quite a bit of research on hate crimes and on the rights of gays to marry, but I generally avoid GD like the plauge so I’ll just post links to where two of my reports are posted on the web (keep in mind that they were written a couple of years ago).

I have these two quotes that pretty much sum it all up for me.

“. . . . it strikes me as fairly pointless to oppose a measure that would merely permit some gay guy to obtain proof that his partner is someone he plans to spend his life with. Western civilization should be able to survive that. After all, it’s not the gays who threaten family and society with their domestic partnerships. It’s the straights.” Dan Lynch, “Domestic Partnerships, the Real Problem”, Times Union, 2-26-95

*“The Pledge of Allegiance says ‘. . . . with liberty and justice for all’. What part of ‘all’ don’t you understand?” * Rep. Pat Schroeder (D) Colorado

Sex Preferences and Hate Crimes

Gay Rites: Same Sex Marriage in America

Um, it’s right there in the OP.

Not only do I agree now, I have, for the better portion of my adult life (I’m 42 y.o.), that the government needs to either:

  1. Declare that marriage is a religious event and the government get the {ahem} out of it,


  1. Declare that marriage is a civil partnership contract and thus:

a) Require from the partners all the stuff the government requires from any other partnership, and
b) Dissolve those partnerships which don’t comply with a) above.

Taking copious notes so I’ll be sure to credit the appropriate person when I use this term.

Sheesh, didn’t you know that according to the Prez (back when he was Gov) and the local school board he supported, Latter-day Saints and Catholics, at least, are just cultists and aren’t “real” Christians. What makes you think he gives a {ahem} about anyone else?

dogsbody, I’m not sure if I should love you more for utterly rocking or for being a Diana Wynn Jones fan.

Thanks for not caring about what I do with my life. :wink:

Same sex marriages. Hmmmmm. Well, I guess pyro-necro-beastiality based relationships can’t be far behind, huh?

If that’s what you want to fight for, go start your own damn movement. Fuckwit.

Alternately, you could explain precisely why two consentual adults who are in love legally wedding will lead to the boinking of flaming dead hedgehogs.

I present the thread’s first candidate for an upside-the-head application of Sofa’s Giant Intumescent Priapus of Cluefulness.

Feel free to inform us after your pyronecrobestiality nuptuals are consummated.

Hastur - not in my thread he doesn’t. :wink:

ENugent, thanks.

’Sprix, andygirl, you know I do it all for love. :smiley:
[sub]Uh, andygirl…who’s Diana Wynn Jones? :sheepish: Am I quoting somebody without knowing it?[/sub]

And, andygirl, I never said I didn’t care what you do with your life. I’m just in no position to judge.

Unless I have some reason to believe you’re totally fucking yourself over. Then I might say something. :wink:

Good heavens, this is a touchy crowd! At any rate, I just finished off a nice plump turkey; I do believe it’s time for a cigarette before hosing down the grill for the evening. Ciao.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what I is/aren’t/wanna be/ain’t/can’t be.

(Well, this is the BBQ pit)


Obviously, I’ve never heard the story behind your username… I thought it was based on Jones’ book Dogsbody.

She’s a good children’s sci-fi author.

It’s one of those funny side effects from having to constantly justify your existence.

dogsbody- I know. It’s just fun to tease. :slight_smile: