Not "Godzilla"---GOJIRA! Help needed, no Oxygen Destroyer needed.

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved the movie Godzilla.

A year or two ago, I learned (here on the SDMB), that the original film was called Gojira, and was 25% longer! Also, no Raymond Burr.

The original film was said to be much more intense than the edited release with Burr.

And…I’ve never seen it. :frowning:

There was a subtitled version in art movie theatres a few years back.

I’ve been trying to find the original on tape or DVD, with subtitles.

Help? :slight_smile:

Check your e-mail. I just sent you some information on where to order it.


Many thanks, godzillatemple !

They do indeed possess it. My catalog is on the way! :slight_smile: