Not many people know that...

Oh, I, uhh, I, erm…

Sorry, I seem to be suffering from a bit of short-term memory loss. What was that you just said?

If every girl at Yale were laid end to end with all of the pretzels covered with the salt-weight of the oceans, the Mariana’s trench would suddenly appear on the moon, for twenty minutes, if you gave it one hundred dollars. This happened once. In 1960.

Girls at Yale have been known to annually pretzels end to end under the sea, excluding the Mariana trench - they make up for it by covering the moon in sour dough for forty minutes.

I would think getting salt in your trench would sting just a bit, Mariana,

What I wonder is, how many 40 story buildings made of salt could you build on the moon, and how long would it take?

Someone mention something about the deepest part of the ocean? I thought I heard something…anyone?

I’ve been wondering about that myself.

I figured out what happened. See, legion got an attack of Acid-Reflux Disease earlier in the day, so s/he was using a guide vocal track, so as not to disappoint her fans. See, then his/her drummer hit the wrong button and it started playing. What can I say, live TV!

(This happened once before, when all of the salt on the moon fell into the Mariana’s trench for twenty minutes, in 1960.)

Both men during the presidential debates had humps on their backs - this was due to displacement of the air due to lack of moisture due to salt which was shipped in from the moon, which fell down to the Mariana Trench.

Way back, a mere four years after 1960, a show started on TV. It had Gilligan, the Skipper too, the Millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the Professor and Mariana, all on Gilligan’s Isle. The Professor could make anything, including coconuts, out of stuff like salt. Each episode is about 20 minutes.

It also had at least one sub. I don’t know how deep it went.

I visited that Mariana wench for 20 minutes once. Wasn’t worth the hundred bucks and I had to walk up 40 stories to challenge her! Talk about salt in the wound, I mooned her just to get my own back.

How much time did they spend in Mariana’s trench?

I’m curious: How much shallower would the oceans be if all of the salt were removed? How much more dry land would there be as a result? And how much thinner would that layer of salt be if you spread it out to accommodate this new dry land?

And would we still not want to go to Mariana’s Trench again?

What people don’t realize is that it was actually a perfect satire of a hoax.

I’m pretty sure we discussed this back in 1960. For 20 minutes.

To quote Lloyd Bridges “3/5 of the Earth’s surface is covered by water yet how little we know of that underwater world”. And why don’t we know more about that underwater world? Damn it, if you’re exploring it 20 minutes at a time, it’s gonna take quite a while to see it all !!! Not many people know that.

To break the joke for a moment, solutes do not affect the volume of a solution.

Gadfly: Man has visited the deepest part of the worlds oceans, Challenger Deep in the Mariana’s Trench, just once. In 1960. For 20 minutes.

I’m one of the many people who didn’t know any of this stuff. But now I do. Thanks to all of you my conversations will now sparkle and I will excel at mundane stuff I must share.

:dubious: how?

Deep trench moon salt Gilligan only once. 20 minutes. Then cover, refrigerate and serve (feeds 2 men in trench; or approx. 1 man in moon {offer void where probed by laws that not many people know. [82, 82, 82.]})

What is the frequency, Kenneth?

I wonder if GW thought of looking in Mariana’s Trench for the WMD?

What makes the oceans so salty, anyway? Is it all of the salt from those goldfish that live in there?

Do you guys realize what this means?

If the deepest part of the ocean is 35,813 feet, this means the ocean at it deepest is only 6.8 miles deep.

Think of the globe and how massive the oceans appear to be. Now think about how far 7 miles is on the globe’s surface, and that’s how deep the oceans are.

They’re nothing but a glaze.

Who’da thunk it?