Not Real Cheese?

So I’m sittin here with my Papa John’s breadsticks and I take a look at the box.

In the bottom lefthand corner there’s this little note:

Out Pizza Contains
100% Real Cheese

So this makes me wonder…

Do some pizzas contain not-real cheese?


Yes, there are pizzas made with not-real cheese. They are made with imitation cheese–mostly oil. Yucky but true. Although, I don’t think “not-real” cheese is the official name for it!

Eww. :slight_smile:

I used to work in a movie theater at the concession counter. We were instructed (and disciplined if we didn’t) to ask people if they wanted some **butter flavoring ** on their popcorn. We were not allowed to ask if they would like butter on their popcorn because that sure as heck wasn’t what we were serving em!
Oh the stories I could share with you about the concession counter. You might never eat at the movies again.

I used to go to a movie theater where they would ask if you wanted GOLDEN flavoring on your popcorn. In fact, that’s what my sister and I called the place - as in “Meet me at Golden Flavoring”.

At the movie theater near me, it’s referred to at popcorn topping with no reference at all to butter. Leads ont to wonder what the heck they put in that stuff. It could be almost anything at all…


“Golden Flavoring”? Sounds like something you’d have to unzip your pants to put on the popcorn. :frowning:

I once got a pizza that was apparently covered with imaginary cheese. Just a crust and some sauce. It was quite odd.

Oddly enough, the movie theater near me asks if I want 'butter topping. on my popcorn. Which makes me wonder…is it part butter? Fake butter? All butter? And if it is all butter, why add the word topping?

Pizza from a school are usually made with some cross between low grade cheese and plastic.

No, you got a tomato pie. As opposed to a cheese pie, which has cheese and maybe some other stuff.

If they called it “pizza,” they wuz lying to you. Come to Philadelphia sometime and I can introduce you to Cacia’s tomato pie. Oh man, it’s good.



Did the pizza out itself, or did someone from the Advocate talk it into doing so?

Oops :o :o

Wow, you have cheese? We have rubber. Maybe…

Well, surely you knew that stuff they put on popcorn was not butter by the fact that it does not taste like butter…

I always refer to popcorn topping by the term used in Bloom County: “artificially butter-flavored grease.”

Maybe you’re thinking of casein ?

PS- Just as an amusing side note…if you had a salad with vinegar dressing with your casein-cheese pizza, you’d be about one chemical reaction away from making glue in your stomach. (You should be safe as long as you don’t have an ammonia chaser.) :smiley:

If you look closely you will see that Real is a trade mark and cheese makers can pay the Real TM people to let them put that logo on there products. but I believe the cheese has to pass a quality inspection to qualify. Modern marketing at it’s best.

If you look closely you will see that Real is a trade mark and cheese makers can pay the Real TM people to let them put that logo on there products. but I believe the cheese has to pass a quality inspection to qualify. Modern marketing at it’s best.:wally

Sorry about the double post. [hyjack] Speaking of marketing tricks has any body seen the new colored ketchup? On the front of the bottle it says 20% more vitimin C than our regular ketchup. And on the back it has a footnote that says, 20% more vitimin C than our regular ketchup witch has 0% vitimin C.
you just have to love the people who comes up with this stuff!:smiley: