Not so bad after all...

Yesterday, while instant messaging with my mother, she asked about how my daughters speech therapy is coming and of course, had to state again how if I would just shut up, my daughter might speak, because you know, it’s all my fault.

I got notice that my daughter is NOT going to be able to go to the Zoo School in January because the lady in charge of admissions did not give me the information necessary to secure a spot. I thought she was all set up.

I’ve been sick with a cold and working hard on the house trying desperately to sell it. It has been a very frustrating 9 months. Keeping a house in show condition with 2 dogs, a cat and a 2 year old, compounded by carpal tunnel syndrome is not easy. Did I mention they changed my hours at work and I now work until 2 am?

So I was pretty bummed out this morning. I felt like a complete washout as a Mom, a wife and human.

My daughter got up and all she wanted to do was sit in my lap and cuddle. Now bear in mind, she is a very independent child and isn’t the cuddly type, but she wouldn’t get out of my lap. I decided to play the movie “The Polar Express” for her as I’m trying to introduce her to Santa Claus. She spent the entire movie in my lap, hugging me, making sure my arms were around her.

When they showed the reindeer she got so happy and when Santa appeared, she stood up, turned around and gave me a huge hug.

I burst out crying. I’m not sure how they know, but if there was a day I really could have used a cuddle buddy, today was the day.

Oh, and the icing? My realtor called, we have a showing tomorrow on the house. (The second one in 9 months)

Glad to hear some sun shone through the clouds!

My kid gave me a Christmas card today, because she saw that we’ve only got two so far and she heard me telling a friend that all I wanted this year was a card (friend is broke - a card is within her budget).
Getting that card was the best thing that’s happened to me for ages - like that old Christmas story about the boy who made the bells ring by giving a true gift.

Aren’t kids the best? Glad your day got better Auntbeast.

Oh, and the only kid I know who needs speech therapy is the child of two fantastic parents.
It takes a good parent to make sure their kid gets all the help they need. Good for you.

Aunt, I am told I didn’t talk until I was well past 2, no reason, I just didn’t. But when I started, I wouldn’t shut up! It sounds like you are doing all you need to for your daughter, I am sure she will be just fine. Your Mom sounds like a passive/aggressive PITA so just ignore her, enjoy the snuggle bunny when she shows up, know that you are doing the best you can, and to hell with the rest!


tears up

Kids, cats and dogs, they all seem to know when we need a hug. :slight_smile: