Not that I'd ever have posted to it, anyway...

but what happened to that “TMI” thread I saw in MPSIMS while I was at work this afternoon. I’m home from work now, and was expecting to open it right up, but there’s none of it to be found. It seems to have been disappeared. I would not have been surprised to find it closed, but it is rather unnerving to have a thread simply stop showing up. Assuming, of course that it ever existed, and it’s not just that I’ve gone too long without a woman. Or a man.

When a thread gets wished into the cornfield, it’s usually because the OP was a sock or a troll. If you found it very interesting, e-mail a mod. They may consider resurrecting it after performing some minor surgery (removing the first post).

IIRC, they’ve done it once, but it’s a huge pain and I can imagine that they don’t want to make a habit of it.

If it is the “Anal Sex - TMI” thread we’re talking about, I would have been surprised to see it closed. One thing we have not seen traditionally censored here is frank sex talk. I am assuming that the OP was a sock, resulting in the thread getting disappeared.