Note to Conservatives: I am not out to destroy the world.

Diogenes, I see you didn’t respond in the negative with regard to my statement.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it Coulter?

It was a valid question. Fuck you.

My definition of a free country includes charging someone of a crime if you have evidence, and releasing them if you don’t. It doesn’t include detaining people indefinitely on vague charges. As far as other countries, are Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, etc currently detaining people without charges?

Oh. fuck it. I’m going to just acknowledge Psycho Pirate’s quote.

Congratulations. Out of almost 13,000 posts you managed to uncover a single nasty (albeit sarcastic) generalization about conservatives. I guess that makes me the left Coulter.

Every Constitutional protection has limitations depending on the circumstances in which it is being applied. I assume that is nothing new to you.

What the fuck are you talking about? No they don’t.

Which one would you like to talk about?

Let’s just take due process. (and i’m going to use a basic example for clarity)
detention: police require only reasonable suspicion
arrest: probable cause is required, and if not accompanied with a warrant, it also requires exigent circumstances. A simple detention does not require that.
If there aren’t limitations on one’s right to due process given the situation, then why do we have different standards for police conduct for these two circumstances?

No, it doesn’t. It just goes to show that all generalizations are wrong, including your own about yourself. Kudos for admitting to your mistake.

Besides, I shouldn’t compare you to Ann Coulter. I find Ann Coulter much more witty, enlightening, and beautiful than you. :slight_smile:

Like the countless Leftist governments have enacted? Labour is leftist here, and the Conservatives oppose it.

If you really believe that the current British Labour government is leftist, may i suggest you get out a little more?

Well I had no memory of that remark but I generally make a conscious effort not to talk about Conservatives/Republicans in that reductive, stupid way that so many political demagogues do…

My apologies for the “fuck you.” You found a valid cite and I should have been a man about it.

You haven’t seen me in a mini-skirt. :wink:

Dio, I just wanted to let you know that I have not come to your defense lately because I feared it might do more harm than good. I am too unpopular to be an effective defender in these pile-ons. But it has pretty much reached the point that it doesn’t matter anyway. :smiley: Please know, for whatever it’s worth, that despite our almost categorical disagreement on so many issues, I always have had and still have the utmost respect for you. I especially love how you call Bush out for his tyrannies while others are fretting endlessly over piddly shit. Hang in there, friend. (If my being a friend does not inconvenience you. ;))

Thank you, Lib. I not regard your alliance as a handicap at all. We both seem to end up in these pile-ups (and somewhat for the same reason. We both tend to be rather hyperbolic in how we express ourselves) so I emathize when it happens to you.

In the pedantic, Popperian sense, this is correct.

Evolution has not been “proven”.

Kind of like Einstein’s theory of gravitation has not been “proven”.

So, the next time you drop a rock, you might wonder to yourself if the rock will actually fall, since it hasn’t been “proven” that it will. Or you might take a pragmatic approach to “proof” and avoid splitting hairs in the manner that some philosphers enjoy as they embark on their infinite regressions toward boundless uncertainty and obscurity.

The person I was responding to said:

IMHO, if you’re going to stroke out and shout “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU YOU IGNORANT BITCH” at someone because you think they misunderstand what a theory is, you better be damn fucking sure that you know what it is and that any correction you issue on the topic is correct. Elysian clearly didn’t understand what a theory is. Pedantry is warranted in such situations. Fighting ignorance, and all that.

And, just to remind anyone who jumps in at this point of the conversation without bothering to read the preceeding messages, let me restate: I believe in evolution. Nothing that I say should be construed as an endorsement of any viewpoint that doesn’t support evolution.

How interesting that you didn’t use his complete quote. If we can take a look at it:

Well, what have we here? A little selective quoting by mhendo? Because if you used his whole quote – as I did – then you’d see that my quotes show he’s not merely “antiBush.”

Now, if you want me to prove that he’s been anti-conservative … well, he’s admitted to such. So your empassioned defense was apparently misguided. And I suppose I could have kept searching until I found times when Dio used the words conservative and dickhead in the same post, or maybe until I found an enough examples that we could definitively say that Dio has insulted every faction of the conservative party, but I thought the point was reasonably obvious from my post.

But I posted it with good intentions … which you have now tried to piss on. So, you know, good job there.

Plank, eye, etc.

I especially love the way you tried to contort a comparison between Nazi support for Hitler and American support for Bush into merely “drawing parallels” between the two societies. Nope, nothing sinister there. Not even when Dio referred to Hitler playing on biases like anti-Semitism, which were already present in his supporters before he came to power. And nothing wrong with drawing a little parallel between the Nazi and American feelings that they are “entitled to destroy another people.” I’m sure that was all innocent, and was in no way directed toward Republicans or conservatives.

Psst…Ago, I wasn’t comparing American support for Bush to Nazi Germany, I was comparing Bush’s use of propaganda to Hitler’s.
Your examples utterly failed to support your contentions. You were wrong. Move on.

Come and live here. They may spout capilatlist values, but their traditions are left wing to the core.

Try As I Might . . ., I’m afraid I’m going to have to shoot down Jefferson, too. You see, I have a marvelous book called Presidential Campaigns by Paul F. Boller Jr. which talks about each presidential campaign in turn from Washington’s first election to Clinton’s first. In it, there’s a story about a lady who asked a friend of hers to hide her Bible if the candidate he’s supporting wins (he’s the only person she knows who supports the candidate). When he asked her why, she told him she’d heard that, if he won, all Bibles would be destroyed. Her friend tried to persuade her that was all nonsense. When that didn’t work, he asked her why he thought a Bible would be safe with him if his candidate won. She replied that they’d never think to look in the home of one of the candidate’s supporters! The candidate was our own Thomas Jefferson. He did win; no Bibles were destroyed as far as I know; and one party’s been claiming the other will destroy Christianity if they’re elected ever since, or so it seems some times. :rolleyes:

Believe it or not, folks, it’s been worse! :eek: and YIPE!!


Awww, for cripe’s sake.

Look, if you were just comparing Bush’s use of propoganda, then why the dish about “pre-existing prejudices”? Were those “pre-existing prejudices” only present in Nazi society, but not in American society? And who had those prejudices? The liberals that voted against Bush, or the conservatives and Republicans that voted for him?

And when you were talking about the people responding to things that make them “feel superior, special, chosen, entitled to destroy another people,” were you only talking about Nazi people? Or were you also maybe possibly suggesting that Republicans have bought into some crap propoganda that they’re entitled to “destroy another people”?

If you were merely suggesting that Bush’s propoganda is as evil as Hitler, then you’ve done a poor job of conveying your point because there are lots of other, broader negative interpretations.

My contention – Diogenes is not just anti-Bush.

My examples – Dio insults neocons, warhawks, compares Bush supporters to Hitler supporters, and “whiny conservative bitches” who don’t like Michael Moore.

Now, I’ll grant you that the last example can stand on its own … except for the fact that you felt compelled to throw “conservative” in there. Or do “whiny liberal bitches” who don’t like Michael Moore not deserve to be drenched in buckets of your ire?

So from those examples, Dio’s “anti” categories extend well beyond “Bush.”

But here’s the deal – I’m willing to drop this argument entirely on one condition – you have to promise to try to be more reasonable, and utilize less invective in place of logic, in future political arguments. I think you’ve got a great analytical mind, but right now, you appear to be using it for Matrix-like conspiracy theories. It’s like putting Kate Beckinsale in a burka … and that’s just a crime.