For all my talk about the UN you say?
“In my view, if we wish to proceed with a sense of legitimacy to our military actions, there is a process that we must go through, and that process includes both the Congress and the United Nations. One down, one to go.” -Ravenman 03-10-2003 02:42 PM
Bush 'pissed all over the ‘one to go’ so what happened to that Ravenman?

The (AUMF ‘the one down’) required Bush to BE ENFORCING the (‘one to go’ Res 1441) to use military force. It says so right here:

And now Ravenman thinks it abhorrent and stupid to suggest that Bush defied both the AUMF and 1441 when he decided to end UN inspections in order to disarm Iraq violently and by the means of war.

And what does, “supporting the constitutional basis for an unjustified war” mean? Bush was not being constitutional when he decided to invade Iraq in defiance of 1441 and thus in violation of ALL UNSC relevant Resolutions regarding Iraq. Bush violated the constitutional terms of the AUMF simultaneously with a violation of the UN Charter and you file complaints against me for what Bush and only Bush did.

No one made Bush do what he did.
What is up with that?