I’ve had my absolutely last final exam, an oral one, yesterday, and now my time at school has come to an end. Just great.
Congrats on your Abitur, Schnitte!!!
(Wow!!! My Abitur was 9 years ago - I feel so old!!! )
Congratulations, Schnitte! Care to share your grades or at least your subjects?
Aurora, don’t worry, my Abitur was in 1990 and I am still alive
My grades will be made public Monday, because that’s when I myself am told the results.
The subjects were Latin, English, physics (all written), and the oral one yesterday was “Sozialkunde” (more or less government, politics and that stuff. I was told this subject is called differently everywhere in Germany).
Thanks everyone! I feel so relieved after passing the absolutely las one.
That’s amazing DemonSpawn - my husband always tells me the same thing!!! Not that I believe him any more than I believe you!
(Did you claim your papers after 10 years? I heard you can do that but I don’t know how. Do you simply contact the school???)
Schnitte that was one tough Abitur!!! Latin??? Wow!!! (I learned Latin at school but the only phrases I remember are from “Asterix”! :))
Will you post your grades here next week???
We’ll see, we’ll see…
Actually, I chose Latin only out of laziness. It’s not necessary to work a lot - learning grammar, etc, has been completed several years ago (when I didn’t have the option to drop it), and in exams we’re allowed to use dictionaries. Little need to work, compared to other subjects.
OK, with a delay of two days (I’m sorry, but you know, all the celebrations, and yesterday’s football match, and the like) I can announce I’m very satisfied about my results - and the most whopping thing is, I got that 1. average I had set as goal!
And after grades announcement, the entire class was driving through town honking and cheering - great!
I have never heard of that… it would be interesting. I wonder where I would have to inquire…
Schnitte, my subjects were similar to yours: Latin, English, Maths (all written) and Educational theory (Pädagogik) as oral subject. I also chose the combination out of pure laziness: English and Latin did not require any work, I had a good tutor for maths (which I sucked at), so the only preparation I needed was for the oral exam.
What is “Abitur”?
Just steer clear of the Kümmerling - evil stuff, as my head can testify this morning.
Opal: Abitur is the final exam of German “gymnasium” schools. It’s the diploma necessary to get admission to university.
Everything would be so great if there wasn’t this bloody draft :mad:
When I first moved to Germany and workmates told me that they send their kids to the “Gymnasium” during the day, I was amazed: I thought there must be a lot of musclebound teenagers walking around the place.
And when I was given a tour of the site and the “Kasino” was pointed out, I was really gobsmacked.