My girlfriend’s memory card failed and she’s lost more than a hundred photos. Luckily I have them on my hard drive. We’re in different countries so I uploaded them all full-size to my Picasa albums, and then shared the album with her.
Just a few weeks ago this would have given her access to my Picasaweb album via her Picasaweb account, which had the option, under the Actions menu, “Download to Picasa”. However with Picasa 3.9 it only shares them via Google+, which doesn’t have that option - each photo has to be downloaded individually.
Google help offers this which seems out of date. This Google+ discussion indicates that it might not be possible at all.
Anyone got any tips about this? I’m thinking maybe a URL hack that forces the album to open in Picasaweb rather than Google+. Thanks!
I shared the album with another Google+ account of mine. I tried going directly to the Picasaweb URL via my second Google+ account, but it resolved from to
Google help is completely useless, and the feedback form doesn’t work. :mad:
I’m still whining to Google+ however. It might be a ‘development’ for Google+ to share albums in a pretty way, but for Picasaweb it’s a huge downgrade as it removes all the functionality.