Now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter - now the Pit edition



That is all.

We aren’t though. I’m not so sure what you have such a struggling understanding. This thread is discussing Musk. Not India. Not the BBC. Not a documentary on India made by the BBC. Look, I’ll post it again for you. In bold no less.

To be fair to baby Mussolini over there, I AM talking about Modi. I’m aware it’s a hijack, but it’s worth addressing it when some wanna-be-goosestepper pipes up in defense of a nasty bit of tyranny.

At this point, though, his “How dare you criticize Jeffrey Dahmer, he took good care of his houseplants! I’ve left the conversation, o look I’m back!” routine is so played out that I don’t feel much need to continue.

I understand that. And I agree really. This is more about why @am77494 doesn’t seem to know that there’s a function on this board that actually lets users create a thread! It is a remarkable piece of technology mysteriously called a button with the word “New Topic” on it. I guess really that’s quite vague and hard for “baby Mussolini” (ha, I like that) to understand. Maybe he would do better at making the trains run on time?

Now that BeepKillBeep has created a new thread specifically for the Modi hijack, let’s have further discussion of the subject happen over there.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to post that here.

They’ve dropped to number 7 in automated driving technology, with Ford taking the #1 spot. This is potentially bad news for Tesla. Technological advantage has been a big selling point for Tesla. If they start to lose that edge, then what do they have left beyond sycophantic devotion to Musk? Oh wait, I understand his business plan now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. Fear
  2. Surprise
  3. Ruthless efficiency

and Fanatical devotion …

Wait, four!

Musk is encouraging nutjob Scott Adams to run for California Senate. I won’t even post the tweets here, they’re exactly what you might expect.

Yes but what has the Spanish Inquisition done for us lately?

Oh man. That made me laugh too much.

Cybertruck mass production date slips. I sincerely believe that Tesla is in serious trouble. If one wants to make the argument that Tesla was once the visionary company that pushed EVs onto the market (I wouldn’t but let’s say that’s true), the other companies have caught up and are surpassing them. They’re now really in competition with the bigger, established companies and Musk is simply out of his depth.

I just watched a documentary on Netflix about “The PEZ Outlaw”, about a guy who made a nice living in the collector space being semi-shifty. He eventually goes a step too far directly challenging corporate and they simply bury him with economy of scale.

I have been browsing this thread and over the past 2 days I have been notified by Malwarebytes of a potential threat: segabits. com
Anyone else getting warnings like this?

I just ran Malwarebytes (on a Mac) and got nothing. How do you associate it with this specific thread - I’m not aware of anything in Malwarebytes that would tell you that.

Tesla stock has skyrocketed in the last month. It was $102 when you guys were crowing about Elon killing it. It’s now at $167, and up $7.25 on the day so far. The other car stocks and EV stocks are not doing the same.

Tesla just reported their revenue was up 55% year over year, net earnings up over 100%, and their gross margin on their cars was 26%, which is more than double that of Ford, and significantly higher than GM, Toyota, and other major car makers. Tesla has cut 20% from the price of their cars while the others are raising prices.

Last quarter was the best in their history for revenue and profit.

SpaceX is setting new records for launches, lowering costs, and Starship just had a full wet dress rehearsal and is now heading for a full static fire. There are rumors that Starlink may go public this year with an initial valuation of at least $70 billion. It may eventually be worth hundreds of billions.

Twitter is running fine, has had more new feature rollouts in the last month than it has in years. Musk has cut costs by 70%, but lost ad revenue of about 40%. Twitter is probably now close to breakeven, with lots of upside. Twitter blue has so far taken in about 325,000 subscriptions, and just rolled out.

Total users are way up, according to The Verge:

How much of that “Twitter user growth” is bots? Because there seem to be an increasing number of them on there lately.

Musk says bot counts are down and they are actively working to reduce them more, but it’s a tough problem. Twitter is now private, so there is no way to verify that.

However, mDau is the count of monetizable users, and that should exclude bots. And mDau is what that article is talking about.

Here’s something to ponder. Elmo swooped in on Twitter, fired the majority of employees, and inflicted misery on the remaining ones, many of whom voluntarily quit. With that in mind, what would one suppose morale is like at Tesla under such stellar leadership? The obvious followup question is, where would one suppose the best engineers in self-driving technology are working today? Apparently the answer is that they’re at Ford, at other major car companies, at Google, and at other enterprises that all have decent working conditions. It also doesn’t help that Tesla employees who were incentivized by stock options are taking a big financial hit.