Now - Translate you web page into MORSE CODE!

Want to amuse you friends (or post some thing rude on the board? Just tap your keys to
This is what comes out

… … … / … … / .-- … .- - / -.-. — – . … / — …-

Hear it ring out just like an old war movie!

… . .- .-. / … - / .-. … -. --. / — …- - / .— …- … - / .-… … -.- . / .- -. / — .-… -… / .-- .- .-. / – — …- … . !

Oh. No. Not. This. Again.

Tapioca, I gotta tell ya the Mods an’ Admins don’t like Morse Code crap all over the board. When the board comes back up – try doing a search for the previous threads. There were a few. And they got annoying.

Glad to see that the Academic centre at which I will be spending 3 years of my life is making the most of my University fees. :slight_smile: