NPR interview about an author and a school bully he found on facebook

There was a story on NPR I heard probably 3-6 months ago. The person being interviewed is an author (not really big time, but published) and he was talking about how in school he would be bullied. One day a bully tried to trip him and after he walked away and went into the library, the bully followed him. While he was sitting at the table, he got sucker punched. He said the event changed his life and made him much more irritable and aggressive.

So he said that when he was an adult, he got a message on facebook from the bully wanting to apologize, saying he felt guilty and didn’t feel he could teach his son how to be a decent man as long as he had this on his conscience.

The entire interview was about this subject of the exchange between the author and his bully on facebook.

Does anyone know the name of the author, or the name of the NPR show or story I am referring to? I don’t know if this is GQ or cafe society, but I figure GQ.

Yay technology. Now when I search this subject, my post is the first thing that comes up on google. I still don’t know who it was though.

It sounds like something that would appear on This American Life.

Just a WAG, but this sounds like an episode of This American Life and I’m 85% certain of that. It isn’t on NPR per se, but PRI (Public Radio International; many of their shows are played on local NPR affiliates and it may be part of the reason you are having difficulty locating the show. All of their episodes can be streamed online for free.

I heard this too. I believe it was on “The Story”, originating at WUNC in Chapel Hill, NC.

I remember that story as well, and it was from The Story.

Thank you guys

Never mind.