Number of Sexual Partners

34 male, relationship, 12 partners.

Problems? Yeah.
It’s not a high number, but the sheer variety and enjoyment of these experiences has made physical monogamy a bit of a struggle.

Hard to tell myself that I’m not missing out, when I know that I am. :wink:

Male, 40, 12 partners, all female humans

[sub]i’m not really that old, but that’s what my birth certificate says[/sub]

I think you know what you can do. Mmmmm…

Oh, and mrblue, I wish you were closer too, but alas, you aren’t. Well, we can still flirt here if you want to. [sub]Even if you just make Superdude jealous.[/sub]:wink: and :mwah:

Jeez, now they’ve got to be human, you guys keep changing the rules on me. Next you’re going to tell me they have to be breathing.

Mmm… so how are you doin’?

But you really don’t intend on making Superdude jealous, do you? I’d feel so cheap and used…

Oh yeah, sorry… they weren’t all sober but they were all female.

Mrblue, we don’t have to make him jealous, but it is likely anyhow. So, what do you want to tell me? Are you going to make me dinner? Or maybe bring me flowers? Or are you just going to sweet talk me until I’ve passed out?

::Everyone turns to see Superdude standing, superheroey pose, hands on hips::

dlgirl, behind me while I remove all the unsavory elements from this room.

Male, 40, coupled, somewhere between 100 and 200 encounters. There would have been more, but the years spent living in monogamy with my left hand in the Grand Canyon and Korea seriously cut into my average.

female, single 20, 4 partners for penetration, and I’m damn fond of every one of them. Partners for everything but…um…lots…I’d give you a rough count but I don’t have one. (The parties I found in high school were the good ones.)

[dirty mind]
Yea you get behind Superdude and I’ll kneel in front of him, that okay?
[/dirty mind]

I’m in a horrible mood today if you couldn’t tell.

29, married, 1 partner (female), no problems.

It wasn’t planned to only have 1 partner, but I married the first girl I really dated and she strongly believes in fidelity. (I think I really believe in it too, but I like to dream otherwise.) Starting dating at age 16, married at 22. Still together.

The Mrs. is 28, married, 2 partners (both male), no problems other than wishing that the first hadn’t happened.

Just tell me what I can do for you, sweetheart, and if I can do it, it shall be done. I’d prefer you didn’t pass out though, because then I wouldn’t be able to look in your eyes. But if you feel faint, try to let me know so I can catch you, OK?

reaches past the obviously distracted Superdude to take dlgirl by the hand

Come, darling, let’s away from all this noise to some place where you can tell me about yourself… How does some private e-mail sound?

::Superdude faints dead away::

[sub]Huh? Whuzzat? Did she say what I think she said? She did? (To himself: Superdude you are a god and don’t even know it)

Ooo. Mrblue, private e-mail sounds nice. Go ahead. I don’t bite. Much. :wink:

Glad someone’s having a good day.

And on a tangent, I think we should stop hijaking a perfectly nice clean poll.

[Italics mine]

See, this is what happens when you don’t read the OP before you post :wally


Thanks, Mtgman. She’s just jealous because I am getting flirted with. Why shouldn’t I have this glorious thing happen to me? I have been waiting quite a long time for someone to notice me, so I think I deserve it (the flirting, I mean).

[sub]Please take this light-heartedly (is that even a word?), MC. :)[/sub]

dlgirl, don’t sweat it. I’m actually objecting because someone other than me had the gall to hijack a thread first. That’s my job, damnit!

(No, seriously, I’m awful at staying on topic, but I try hard.)

Hey, Medea’s Child…less talking, more kissy-kissy-face.

Hmpf. Kissy-kissy-face? How come I don’t get that? Oh, I guess I’ll just have to take it, huh? Well, here ya go…

::grabs Superdude by the shirt and smooches him right on the lips::

How was that? :wink: