NYC Subway Directions, Please?

[sub]Note to Mods: I hope that users are allowed to use this forum to ask for directions to locations in other cities. If not, I apologize in advance. Mea culpa.[/sub]

So I’m thinking about flying to NYC to audition for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Since money is tight, I’d like to keep costs down. Thus, I’ll take the subway instead of a cab.

I’m looking at this map and it looks like there is a station right outside of JFK on the blue line (Howard Beach/JFK Airport, northbound only).

That’s all well and good. Can a New Yorker please give me directions to go from that station to 30 W 67th Street (and back)?


No problem, you’ve picked an easy one.

From any of the JFK terminals, you can get an airport bus to the A train (it’s the Howard Beach station, and you can get the train in either direction, not uptown only).

Take the A train (while Duke Ellington runs through your head) toward Manhattan, and stay on it until 59th Street/Columbus Circle. It will be about an hour ride.

From Columbus Circle, you can either leave the subway and walk up to West 67th Street or change to the 1 or 9 train uptown and take it one stop to 66th Street.

To get back, you reverse the process. The one trick is that when you get Brooklyn-bound A train to get back to JFK, you have to take one headed to Far Rockaway or Rockaway Park, NOT Lefferts Blvd.

If you’re doing more than a quick in and out, let us know, and maybe you can meet the NY Dopers.

Thanks, Billdo. This trip is just in the “kicking-the-idea-around-in-my-head” stage right now. If anything develops, I’ll post it in this thread.