In the movie O Brother, Where Art thou?, there’s a scene where the ‘Soggy Bottom Boys’ record a song in a radio station - who provided the vocals for that particular version? (I’m assuming that it isn’t actually George Clooney that we’re hearing singing, or am I wrong?
George Clooney did have another person provide the vocals. But the other actors sang their parts. If no one else knows who I’ll see what my DVD says.
The voice you’re hearing most on that song is Dan Tyminski. You can usually find him with Allison Krauss and Union Station.
When I look up the album on Amazon, it says that the song is by “The Soggy Bottom Boys featuring Dan Tyminski”. So I don’t know who the rest of the band is, but the voice is Dan’s.
The siren’s all had other singing their voices too.
From the soundtrack CD’s booklet:
I love that album, and I never ever listen to country or bluegrass.
The sirens were Alison Krauss, Gillian Welch and Emmylou Harris.
The Sirens’ voices, I mean.
I think it’s Gillian Welch in the general store as well, asking to buy a copy Man of Constant Sorrow and being turned down.
Saw an interview with Clooney in which he said he did the singing originally durring an early take of the scene, and no one could look him in the eye afterwords (apparently he was really, REALLY bad, but seemed to be able to laugh about it afterwords).
The Tooth, I do believe you are correct.
I’m a big fan of Alisson Krauss + Union Station. Dan is a recent and welcome addition to the group.
“Man of Constant Sorrow” is an old bluegrass standard. Before Dan’s version, the most well know was probably the one sung by Ralph Stanley, who is also on the soundtrack, singing “Oh Death.”
Bob Dylan also did a cover of “Man of Constant Sorrow” on his debut album