Obama announces plan to dismantle social security, federal government & US Military

why cow bell? :confused:

No, I totally got the Walken vibe off your post.

It was eerie, man. Eerie.

Meme spawned by SNL skit, Will Farrel and “Chuckles” Walken

It will face resistance even within the committee that spawned it.

Judging by the amount of misinformation in this thread alone (including the guy who is sure it is bad because of a ‘hunch’), it will be no surprise when it dies.

But you can’t have more cowbell. You’re just so vain. :wink:

EDIT - obviously barking up wrong tree. The Simon re-record of this hit has an annoying ‘more cowbell’ studio conversation tagged onto the end. Irritating.

  1. The plan calls for raising taxes, not lowering them.

  2. The plan will fail because it calls for too big, too controversial cuts, and because unlike Obama, the GOP doesn’t actually care about deficits. So your red herring about printer waste is nonsense.


Let the stupid Bush tax cuts expire and the debt drops 25 to 30 percent. That is significant. That is simple and it should be done.
Tax Wall street financial trades.

If you really believe it’s that simple than you are stupider than even I thought you were…and that’s nearly impossible.
I assume this is a joke thread, but I actually think that Obama’s plan (assuming he could actually get it implemented, which I doubt given the current make up of the house and senate…and the fact that I think his own folks will resist him nearly as much as the Pubs will) is on the right track. I’d like to see a raise in taxes coupled by either a spending freeze or even more cuts in the budget, but I’m not sure what effect that would have on a recovery (assuming one is in the offing any time soon).


I just saw Jan Shakowsky a member of the commission on Link TV. She says the Bush tax for the rich is on the table. Nothing is close to resolved.
Yes XT , you fool, it is that easy. That will not solve it all but it is a big important first step that will actually have a huge impact on the debt.

I advocate cutting Medicare off at age 85. I don’t know what the savings would be, but it would compound over time.

Think of the children.

That’s where you’re wrong. Marriages will be subject to the approval of the death panels and they’ll only be approved if they’re gay marriages.

So, are you saying you’re for buttsecks?

Its shock treatment, the splash of cold, cold water. They are saying things that couldn’t be said before so that we can talk about them. For all my adult life, if anyone so much as whispered about cutting the Defense budget, a Certain Segment of the Political Spectrum would go totally apeshit, wrap themselves in red, white and blue bunting and blubber about out heroes, and shriek about the impending invasion by the Russians, the Chinese, the Canadians, whatever. Now, maybe we can actually talk about it.

Good. About time.

Only if its fatal buttsecks.

Just to nitpick-if we balance the budget haven’t we already eliminated the deficit? Or am I missing something?

He probably meant “debt”.


I am sure you geniuses have heard of the boomers. Back in the early 80s we looked ahead and saw that Social Security had to be amended to take them into consideration. The people who made the change realized that the boomers would pass and then Social Security would go back to a more normal system. So they set up a Social Security Trust Fund. They accumulated a bunch of treasury bonds to pay for them when they came along. That will start in 3 years. Some of you have noted in 3 years, Social Security will start cannibalizing the surplus. It is by design. As the boomers pass through the system, they will use up the money that was put there for that specific purpose. As they die off, the fund will be exhausted . That is all as planned. Then the system will normalize again.

I did. Thanks for correctly interpreting my brain-fart.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ statement on the Deficit Commission Co-Chair’s Report:

Ius Primae Noctae was a european christian thang … not a moslem thang.