Obama Funny; McCain Funny Again

What makes you think McCain respects Obama when he smears him with vicious lies on a daily basis? He wouldn’t even look at him during the first debate, and now he is trying to pretend he is a terrorist sympathizer. He is continually trying to make that case that not only is Obama unqualified, he is dangerous. I get that it is a campaign, but if you are a person with integrity, you don’t do those things to someone you respect.

Yes.* Tomorrow is the hot dog eating contest, and Monday, the swimsuit competition.

*It’s not actually officially part of the running process, but it’s traditional for both candidates to speak at this fund raiser.

63rd annual Alfred E. Smith memorial dinner.

A clue. I sense a clue. It must be there somewhere.

Nah, we just made up the light-hearted presidential candidate healthcare fundraiser this year.

I took it as a reference to when Giuliani hosted SNL in the '90s, but after searching on YouTube I stumbled across this bizarre (and more recent) clip.


Rudy played dress-up nearly as often as the members of Monty Python. And to much the same effect.

That’s hilarious. He needs to run for president. Any man who can wear a dress and slap Donald Trump for oogling his breasts gets my vote.

The surprising thing in those pics is that Rudy has pretty good legs (at least for an old Republican ex-mayor).

Holy crap, am I on your ignore list?

That would be the only part of this whole process in which Palin could excel and I wouldn’t count out either of the wives if they could get in on it.

63rd, huh, since 1945? Well that’ll count as traditional I suppose even although not all Presidents or candidates have taken part according to WhyNot’s link. Different cultures and all that, but that’s an embarrassingly cringeworthy thing for the two candidates for the most powerful position in the world to even attempt, particularly when both seem to be desperately sticking to their piss-poor “comedy” scripts. Sorry, and no offence intended, I’ve just never seen one of these before.

Mind you us Brits are in a worse position - historically plenty of our politicians have prospered on a quick wit and turn of phrase and often some depth outside the narrow political world. Unfortunately our current crop of up-and-coming politicos seem all to have come from some sort of McKinsey-esque robot factory.

I kind of got the impression that McCain had time to read over his script before hand, while Obama was kind of winging it. Whether that means McCain took it a bit more seriously, or Obama arrived late or some such I don’t know. Either way, this makes me feel a little bit better about the prospect of my preferred candidate not winning. We could do worse than these two (well, unless McCain wins and promptly kicks the bucket. Then we have worse. But I digress)

Hmm, well this Brit found the speeches pretty funny. And yes, McCain seems to be the more natural comic of the two. The “this is going to be the funniest 15 minutes of your life” bit at the end was awfully good.

Heretics are always scarier than infidels.

i saw the 2 senators on rachel maddow’s show last night.

mccain is def. the better comedian. hands down. the last bit on how funny sen. obama’s material would be was golden. a hard act to follow.

in sen. obama’s defense, vulcans are usually the straight man in a comedy routine. they rarely do standup.

Obama puts a space between Jor and El to make it sound like two words. Not saying it’s wrong, but elitist. (5:56 into the clip.)

Hurrah for you! I reckon we should elect all our representatives based on how good they are at telling jokes! London already has…

Those were excellent. That you for posting the links, I heard a few snippets this morning on my drive in to work.

It was funny watching Obama crack up trying to read the material. I wonder who wrote it for him.

McCain was really excellent. He did a great job. The link for his part 1 was taken down, here is an alternate one.

The Pet name, “George Bush” line was priceless.

Thank you, now I know who Obama reminds me of, the Vulcan on Star Trek Voyager!

I didn’t think Obama was uncomfortable or stiff at all. Both of them were mildly funny–they’re not comedians. Obama was on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” a few years ago (radio show for those who don’t know it) and he was quite quick and funny. I think having to make your peers laugh and feed the media is incredibly intense.

I also think that McCain was mending some fences, pro-actively, but maybe not.

Anyone else think Hillary had had a few? Or maybe she laughs very easily.

Barack Obama reminds me of Rob Petrie of Dick van Dyke fame.

That’s what I thought. McCain looked like he had practiced, and Obama seemed like he’d never read his before.