Obamacare - The No Win Spin

I find it humorous that the GOP are banging their drums about the ACA system having its capacity issues and growing pains as they scale it as an indication of just how “bad for 'merica” Obamacare is as though they have any direct correlation.

Could not one argue that the system being over capacity is a sign that people WANT IT?

I guess Rockstar and Blizzard are the worst game companies ever with the worst games because their online products had serious launch issues! :smiley:

The funny thing is if the system was running perfectly at launch, the GOP would be telling us “SEE! the democrats over estimated how many people actually want it… the people of 'merica are sending a clear message that they do not!”

BTW and for the record, I was completely against national healthcare from 1994 until about 2 years ago and am now only luke warm to it. But this rhetoric is dripping with partisan politics and I do not see an independent thought across the entirety of our Congress. :smack: