Oblivious GOP official on last night's Daily Show

Apparently it is free, but the conditions on it make it somewhat circular;

No-Fee ID Card Program Begins January 2014
Starting January 1, 2014, the Division of Motor Vehicles will begin issuing no fee ID Cards to be used for voting. Proof of age, identity, North Carolina residence, and verification of voter registration will be required.

So in order to GET the free ID, you have to prove that you are who you say you are, that you live in NC -and- that you’re registered to vote.

Which means that if you have no current ID and aren’t registered to vote, FUCK YOU, you aren’t going to get one.

Awesome job on that. :rolleyes:

To use a a colloquialism of the youtube age, on first viewing I was convinced this was fake and gay. Especially the huge pause when he was asked whether he was racist. Had to edited. The black friend? Too pat. Aasif giving the look to the camera? Come on! The only thing missing was some cutesy reference to watermelon.

Suicide by television?

The biggest news here is that there are two Republicans in Buncombe County. (That’s Asheville, recently named 3rd best town in America for hippies.)

I’m wondering about that “to be used for voting” in that description. Does that mean that it would be different from the one I got, and possibly not valid for other purposes?

Yes and no. Like a lot of towns like ours, the city is overwhelmingly liberal, but the county is much more conservative. Don Yelton has been a gadfly and a jackass for as long as I’ve lived here. He’s an attention whore of the most contemptible sort, which is why he went on the Daily Show, and probably part of why he was so outrageous: he knew what would get him some national coverage, and he’s too much of an attention whore to care that people are laughing at him as long as they’re paying attention to him.

If you eliminate every single iota of racism, you’d lose some of the (tragi-) comedy. The sad thing is, that if you transcribed the rest, you could post it here under some (all) of our conservative posters’ names and it would be indistinguishable from their justification for voter supression. Okay, maybe take out the ‘stick it to the democrat’ bit too, just to be sure it applies to all conservative participants, but that’s about it.

It’s for the integrity of the system!

But, can’t you register to vote at the DMV?

A grandfather clause as it were.

Sorry. Thought I was in CS.

Probably because they talk like that all the time among themselves; it’s how they normally act, when the public isn’t watching. It’s the best explanation I have for why Republicans have such a habit of blurting out these ridiculously bigoted statements; they sometimes forget themselves and talk in public like they do in private.

Not that the stuff he said by himself wasn’t offensive, but I thought it was common shtick that the Daily Show interviews are cut to be funny. Making interviewees look awkward and silly is what it’s all about.

I’d be willing to bet that the Daily Show doesn’t do as much selective editing as a typical news magazine show on Fox.

And the other one’s worse?

That’s his black friend.

Interesting. Can you give us a sense of how this is covered/discussed locally?

He was stunning in his approach; it seemed like he thought he was playing the game better…

He probably did think he was playing the game better. But he thought he was playing chess while actually playing tic-tac-toe while the Daily Show guys were playing checkers.

This douchenozzle obviously doesn’t watch any news but Fox News and has no friends who watch anything else, either. He probably didn’t understand the Daily Show schtick except as “that show all dem libruls watch”. No wonder he willingly jammed his foot firmly in his mouth.

When you spend your entire life in an echo chamber, you forget there actually are other voices.

I was struck by how much his argument sounded like bricker’s. Bricker doesn’t reveal the same obvious racism, of course, but he focuses on the “integrity” of the process and argues that a rate of in person voter fraud on the order of 2 out of 60,000 could sway an election.

When these people claim their best friends are black, why does no one ever say “What’s his name?” and “Quickly, what is his name?”

Not that I think even if it was true it makes someone less racist, but I doubt that 99.9% of these racists with “best friends who are black” are telling the truth. I’d love to see one stammer on video to come up with a name and then follow up and find the supposed black person.

But that would require a responsible media that doesn’t just report each side’s bullshit.

I wonder if his guys booted him because of his racist remarks or because of what he revealed about the voter fraud stuff: oopsie!

I also liked his remark afterwards about “The questions were such that the answers can be played with.” Yeah, he never said anything even remotely racist; those punks at TDS must have edited Mr. “I’ve Been Called a Bigot Before” to make him look racist. :dubious: It’s the kind of thing that Sarah Palin would use as an excuse.

To quote Chris Rock, “all of my white friends have exactly one black friend”.

It would be funny if it was all the same guy for the entire GOP.