Oblivious GOP official on last night's Daily Show

Actually I think they correctly think its not worth their time. “Some of my best friends are black” has become such a cliche of racism that no further evidence is required. Also most articulate racists these days know this and will provide the name of a token conservative black as part of the original statement.

“How can you call me racist when I was a staunch supporter of Michael Steele’s senate campaign.” However to all but the most sympathetic ears this comes across about the same as “Some of my best friends are black”

If I’m remembering correctly, when I moved down to NC and went to the DMV to get an ID card (to replace my Illinois one) I was either told that I would also be registered to vote or asked if I wanted to do so. I know that I never had to fill out a separate voter registration form. When I moved and had to get a new ID card, my voter registration was automatically changed to my new address.

One of the things I saw was his claim that TDS could have made him look much worse.

I think some of this does go to what Der Trihs points out above. If someone lives in a bubble and talks this way all the time, it can be hard to filter it. It can be hard to filter obscenities, for example, if you’re suddenly around kids or get a new job where that matters, etc.

If you’re kinda stupid to start with, then spend all your time around people who agree with you, yeah, you’re going to say things like this and think you come off pretty good. And he probably doesn’t think he’s a racist because if you don’t want to kill black people it can’t be racism.

I like to watch them squirm. Also, there are plenty of SDMB conservatives who I don’t think are truly racist but defend the dog whistle blaring and dancing around what any reasonable non-conservative can hear as racism… I think the plausible deniability allows non-racist conservative apologists to not have to look deeper at who they support and how those policies might affect minorities.

Also, people just shouldn’t be allowed to spew unchecked bullshit on programs that are supposed to be informative, on principal IMO.

I’m pretty sure there were many folks on this board who had the exact same thought.

I wonder how many times these types have to be busted on what bullshit the whole “integrity of the process” line is before they give up on this crap. I suppose it would help if the majority of the public in such areas actually noticed.

As RationalWiki puts it;

It is. And in a 2 hour interview, it wouldn’t be difficult to cut any interview in a way to make the person look stupid or confused, but they seem to only do that in a way that accentuates what the person is saying.

Yelton said what he said and he’s not backing down.

On one hand, I’m glad he resigned and some GOPers are distancing themselves from him

On the other hand…wow, these people still exist and walk among us and are so cavalier about their attitudes towards minorities and Democrats!? I’d say its unbelievable but there are worse things in that other thread about stupid Republican ideas that overshoot this guy by a mile. This guy’s racist, but we knew that already, his big mistake was to admit it and not walk it back

The Romney video probably being the prime example.

When the Stewart TDS started, they could get away with a lot since most people never heard of them. Now half their interviews involve the correspondents making themselves look like idiots. I worried how they would find people to be patsies like in the old days. Now we know - just visit your Tea Party HQ or talk to a southern Republican low level official.

It probably is.

Buncombe: Origin of the word “bunkum.”

Wait! Yelton’s not finished yet: Racist Republican Still Racist After Resignation, Still Dropping The N-Word | HuffPost Latest News

I wouldn’t bet a huge amount on it, but I’d bet five bucks that his best black friend is HK Edgerton.

{checks date. Is not April 1st}


I came really close to attending the Texas Democratic state convention once because the precinct chair - a judge of all things - was such a dipshit. When we caucused to see who’d go, he started telling people how to vote so he could attend but his son would be alternate. This started a minor revolt, and one guy turned to me and asked if I wanted to go. I said “sure”, and by god I almost came in first. Which probably would have been the first and only time a Jesse Jackson delegate was ever sent from North Dallas. :slight_smile:

Ah, he’s just bitching about “n-word privileges,” nothing to see here.

Republicans’ privilege to use the n-word is suppressed, so they suppress the right to vote. Fair trade, right?

Well, we could take a vote on that question! Oh, wait, maybe not…

It’s Ann Coulter in male drag.